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Question: The application is very slow (OR) It takes too long to load a page (OR ) Application performance is very slow

Reply: The application performance is being reviewed centrally by NCRB. Based on the performance results necessary improvement steps will be undertaken for performance tuning. The necessary information in this regard will be shared with States/UTs soon.


1. What is the importance of Bundle of Services approach?

As part of this approach, all the implementation components at the State/UT level are “bundled” and will be contracted out to a single Systems Integrator (SI) who would act as a single point of contact and be accountable for the implementation, integration and performance of CCTNS

2. Can a subcontractor be used for delivery of Services and Goods?

For items such as Site Preparation, Data digitization/migration, Capacity building (Training personnel) and Handholding the bidder may work with a partner/consortium. The bidder, strictly, cannot sub-contract the core activities of CCTNS implementation such as Hardware & IT infrastructure implementation, Customization/Application Development, Network and connectivity and roll-out of the CCTNS- CAS (State) application. However the bidder can subcontract non-core activities as mentioned above to companies fulfilling the following conditions.

  1. The sub contractor must be ISO 9001 in IT services. (ISO 27001 certification wherever relevant)

  2. The subcontractor should have been in Information Technology business for 5 years

  3. The subcontractor must have Service Tax registration no./PAN no/Provident Fund Commissionerate no.

  4. The sub contractor must have completed 5 projects for Government/PSU including one project preferably with the State Police Department involving implementation at Police Stations and Higher Offices.

  5. However the Prime Bidder of SI agency would be the responsible for the compliance of contractual obligations of the Sub-contractor and State/UT would not directly sign any contract with any agency other than the SI agency (Consortium/Individual agency).

3. Is MHA/NCRB undertaking empanelment of System Integrators (SIs)?

No, there will be no empanelment exercise for selection of SIs. States/UTs will select the SI through an open bid process.

4. Can the States/UTs propose its choice of technology stack in the RFP?

No, the State/UT shall not propose the choice of stack in the SI RFP. Out of the two distinct technology stacks being used by the SDA to develop the CAS, the SI should be asked to bid with one of the stacks.

5. Who will fund the last 2 years (out of 5) of Operations and Maintenance (O&M) services?

The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) will provide funds for O&M for a period of three (3) years only. Additional years of O&M will need to be funded by the States/UTs themselves.

6. Will the SDA provide support to the SI during implementation and other phases?

Yes, SDA shall provide Helpdesk support to the State/UT SIs during customization, deployment and stabilization phases as defined in the SI RFP.

7. Should all higher offices be covered for implementation in phase 1?

Phase 1 should be treated as a pilot phase and approximately 10% of the police stations and higher offices should be covered during this phase.

8. What is the most important activity that must be completed for Data migration to begin?

All data from the legacy systems of a State/UT would be migrated to CAS (State) and CAS (Centre) through a Data Migration Utility provided by SDA. The CAS (State) application should be implemented in the State/UT for beginning of the Data Migration.

9. As part of Project Planning & Management activities should the SI also interact with BSNL?

Yes. The roles and responsibilities of both the parties i.e., the SI and BSNL have also been issued by NCRB.

10. How many years of data should be considered for data migration?

10 years. Anything over and above the approved amount will need to be funded by the States/UTs themselves.

11. What is the duration of handholding support?

One handholding personnel/police station for a period of six months.

12. Is it possible to extend handholding support beyond 6 months?

Yes. However, Center will provide funding only for 6 months at the rate of Rs 15,000 per month.

13. Should the Operations & Maintenance (O&M) services for all locations begin at the same time?

No. Operations and Maintenance Services will start separately for each phase post the “Go-Live” of that phase.

14. Should the duration of O&M services be limited to 5 years only?

The State/UT can opt for a longer duration. However, the Center will only fund the O&M services for a period of 3 years. Anything over and above that will need to be self funded by the respective State/UT.

15. Is it sufficient to provide a map with the Police Stations highlighted?

No. The State/UT must provide detailed addresses of all the Police Stations and Higher Offices.

16. Should there be a price break-up between the implementation and Operations & Maintenance phases?

No. The amount payable to the SI during the implementation and operations and maintenance phases will be 100% of the amount quoted by the SI for the phases respectively. Providing a break-up of the total payment will contradict the NPV calculation.

17. Is it mandatory for the State/UT to fill up data in the “Form 2: Detailed Component-Wise Pricing”?

Yes. The State/UT must provide information on

  1. The type of component and

  2. The number of components/units of service required.

This will reduce discrepancies and make it easier for the bidders to arrive at the total price.

18. The State/UT has been providing basic computer skills training to personnel as part of capacity building initiative. Should the same training be requested for as part of the SI RFP also?

If the training has been completed for all the personnel, then it should not be asked for. However, if a certain number of people are still pending after the SI is onboard and the budget sanctioned under CB-Training is unspent, the same may be considered as a scope of work under capacity building for SI.

19. Is it mandatory for the States/UTs to use the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) technique for evaluation of commercial bids?

Yes, since the payments to the SI will be made over a period of over six years, the DCF method will be used to compare different payment terms, including advance payments and progressive stage payments to the SIs so as to bring them to a common denomination for determining lowest bidder.

20. The amount approved by Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) for a particular item like data center is lesser than the cost of services and goods being requested for by the State/UT through the SI RFP. Who will fund these additional items?

The funding for anything over and above the MHA approved amount will have to come from the respective State/UT government.

21. On what basis are the funds disbursed – State Plan or the latest PIM report?

MHA will release funds based on the approved PIM report.

22. Can a State/UT inter-allocate funds between different heads?

Inter-allocation of funds is not permissible. For any such requirement, State/UT should contact MHA.

23. Who will be responsible for ensuring that the scope of work provided in the RFP is technically & functionally feasible?

The SPMC is responsible for ensuring this apart from ensuring that the customized CAS (State) is fully compatible with the CAS (Center).

24. Is pre-bid conference mandatory?

A pre-bid conference is not mandatory. However, conducting it will help the State/UT sort any important issues faced by bidders. It will also help in addressing any deficiencies of requirements in the RFP.

25. Who will own the Intellectual Property Rights to the CAS (State) after additional modules have been developed and integrated by the SI?

The IPR for the additional modules will be owned entirely by the State/UT.


1) What is CCTNS?

CCTNS is the acronym for Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems. CCTNS project is a mission mode project (MMP) of National e-Governance plan of Government of India. CCTNS project has been conceptualized to modernize the core policing functions for enhancing outcomes by sharing of real-time information on crime and criminal investigation/detection and crime prevention among various police organizations and units across the country.

CCTNS aims at creating a comprehensive and integrated Information and Communication Technology (ICT) platform for enhancing the operational efficiency and effectiveness of policing especially at Police stations and at all levels through adoption of principles of e-Governance, and creation of a nationwide networked infrastructure for evolution of IT-enabled state-of-the-art crime and criminal tracking system.

2) What is the genesis of CCTNS project?

For effectively meeting challenges of crime control and maintenance of public order, sharing of crime and criminal information on a real-time basis across different police units and organizations becomes imperative. To enable such sharing and dissemination of information in all the police units and organizations across different states/UTs of the country, there is a need to bring ICT infrastructure of all the states/UTs on a common nation-wide networked platform.

Several attempts have been made by various police organizations in the past to induct IT for modernization of Police functioning. Some of the applications are Crime Criminals Information System (CCIS) software by National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), eCOPS software by Andhra Pradesh, CAARUS software by Tamil Nadu, Thana Crime Tracker System by West Bengal etc. CCIS of NCRB was a major attempt to create a National level database on crime & criminals to be shared by all the States. The CCIS is based on aggregation of seven Integrated Investigation Input Forms viz. FIR, Crime Details, Arrest/Surrender, Property Search & Seizure, Final Report/Charge sheet, Court Disposal, and Result of Appeal. However, the data entry takes place at Districts through the Forms being filled up manually at Police Stations.

A detailed examination indicates the following major problems in our past efforts:

  1. The objective of efforts made so far has been to collect data as required by the monitoring agencies, and primarily aimed at specific functions like records management, statistical analysis, office automation etc.

  2. Expectations of the designer of the System, to collect maximal data for future use, puts extra burden on the operational staff, leading to overwork, thus making the IT functions as second priority.

  3. Dedicated person is assigned for data capturing into Computer for all functions at Police Station. This model has been found to be ineffective in other Sectors.

  4. The focus is not towards possible information sharing with other States (except the CCIS of NCRB to some extent), and possible interfacing with external Applications. While the basic objective of the Crime & Criminal Information System across the States is by and large same, the strategy and priorities of each State, has been vastly varying. The priorities in general have been the internal monitoring and management, therefore, a major shift in strategy is needed for induction of IT in building the Crime & Criminal Information System, as suggested below:

    a) There is a need to re-look at the philosophy of data collection at a central level, by tying it with the Process Automation. Once the Processes at the primary source of data e.g. the Police Stations, are automated, the derived data required at District, State and Central levels will automatically be collected.

    b) Process re-engineering, to the extent possible, should also be made integral part of the automation, by way of reduction in the manual and redundant Record keeping, and incorporating the changes in the written Procedures accordingly.

3) How is CCTNS going to work?

Crime and Criminal Tracking Network & Systems (CCTNS) aims at creating a comprehensive and integrated system for enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of policing at the Police Station level through adoption of principles of e-Governance, and creation of a nationwide networked infrastructure for evolution of IT-enabled state-of-the-art tracking system around “investigation of crime and detection of criminals” in the real time, which is a critical requirement in the context of the present day internal security scenario. Some of the implementation guidelines for CCTNS include:

  • Need for ownership of the State Governments of the overall program implementation, the infrastructure, application and the database; at the same time maintaining uniformity of information systems in order to facilitate information sharing and availability across states and at the national level.

  • Need to undertake the implementation of this large-scale project in a coordinated manner through experienced implementation agencies by entrusting them with the responsibility of end-to-end implementation with a clear set of deliverables.

  • Need to synchronize the rollout of the hardware and network components with the rollout of other equally important soft components such as training, capacity building and change management.

  • Need to maintain the continuity and evolutionary path of police related information technology systems in perpetuity

  • The implementation of CCTNS would follow the NeGP guideline of “centralized planning and de-centralized implementation”.

4) Why an MMP under NeGP?

The National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) has been formulated by the Government of India and consists of 8 Components and 27 Mission Mode Projects (MMPs) to be implemented at the Central, State and Local Government levels. These MMPs comprise of projects, which are to be implemented by the line ministries/ departments of the Central Government, State Governments and integrated projects spanning across multiple ministries, departments and agencies, and are guided by a common vision, strategy and approach to achieving common objectives.

Police has been included in the NeGP as a response to an ever-increasing threat of terror and ascending crime graph. It addresses the need to improve the efficiency of the police force. One of the major steps in this direction is the creation and sharing of crimes and criminal database. In order to assist in requisite planning and implementation of the CCTNS Scheme, the NeGP operational model was suitably adopted, which defines the activities, governance structures and guidelines for each stage of the project starting from conceptualization stage and extending up to rollout stage and operations & maintenance (O&M) stage.

5) What are the goals and objective – immediate, mid-term and long-term?

The CCTNS Scheme is proposed to be implemented in a Mission Mode, and has the following objectives:-


  • Provide the Investigating Officers with the tools, technologies and information to facilitate faster and more accurate investigation of crime and detection of criminals.

  • Reduction in manual and redundant Record keeping.

  • Networking across Police Stations and higher offices for information sharing

  • Easy filing of complaints by Citizens

  • Enhancement of training infrastructure


o Facilitate collection, storage, retrieval, analysis, transfer and sharing of data and Information among Police Stations, Districts, State headquarters and other organizations/agencies, including those at Government of India level.

  • Capacity building of the Policies offices through Training

  • MIS generation for easy decision making

  • Seamless information sharing across investigating agencies

  • Keep track of the progress of the crime and criminal investigation and prosecution Cases, including progress of cases in the Courts.


  • Make the Police functioning citizen friendly, transparent, accountable, effective and efficient by automating the processes and functions at the level of the Police Stations and other police offices at various levels.

  • Improving delivery of citizen-centric services through effective usage of Information & Communication Technology (ICT).

  • Improve the Police functioning in various other areas such as Law & Order, Traffic Management, curbing organized crimes, resource management etc.

  • Enabling and assisting the senior Police Officers in better management of Police Force

  • Enhancing transparency and accountability in Police functions and processes

6) What are the deliverables, and Milestones? Immediate, mid-term, and long-term?

Short Term Milestones

  • Site preparation

    - PCs installed with specified software

    - Uninterrupted power supply through installation of UPS and Generator


  • Connectivity

o Ability to access CCTNS application at Police Station (PS), District Police Office (DPO) level and other designated higher offices of Police organizations.

o Ability to send and receive emails over intranet at PS and DPO

o Ability to connect to CCTNS application at NCRB

 Digitization of Historical Records
a. Relevant historical records would have been digitized (or migrated from old systems) and would be available in the State database
b. Ability to handle queries related to these records through the CCTNS application

 Capacity Building
• At least 6 personnel per PC trained on CCTNS and would be able to use CCTNS for daily tasks
• Launch of the “Train-the-trainer” program; first batch would be able to independently handle training sessions
• Senior officers at DPO and PS trained to use CCTNS for their needs –view status, reports, etc.
 Handholding
• Contact persons identified for any queries/issued related to running application; support provided with agreed service levels
 Helpdesk support operational
Mid Term Milestones
 System stabilized in some Districts, implying –
• Technical or managerial issues would have been ironed out
• Consistent performance and outcomes periodically verifiable (via audits, monitoring and supervision)
 Operational View
• CCTNS deployed in remaining Districts with same expected outcomes
• State-level Supervising Officers trained on usage of CCTNS application
 Networked View
• Ability to search for relevant crime and criminal data at district level
• Ability to use Police messaging systems across districts
 Statistical View
• Ability for State-level Supervising Officers able to get a consolidated view of the Districts and Police Stations
• Data consolidated from the State at NCRB level
• Non-periodic/ad-hoc output reports based on basic PS data are generated using CCTNS
Long Term Milestones
 State has deployed CCTNS
 Data is consolidated at SCRB and NCRB using uniform formats and standards
 Services being provided in the defined service levels
 External interfacing options have been provided, wherever possible well-defined interfaces are used for exchange of information with external agencies

7) What is the implementation strategy?

The following strategy will be followed for implementation of CCTNS:
a) A major part of implementation of CCTNS is proposed to be left to the States and the role of the Centre would be largely confined to development and management of CAS and aspects pertaining to review and monitoring.
b) It is proposed to bundle site preparation and hardware installation, networking, application software (customization at state level), training, handholding, digitization of historical data, consumables, etc., and roll it out together. The States would have freedom to select the critical components for bundling, which are required to make the system operational under broad guidelines from MHA.
c) With a view to implementing the project at the State level as per the approach mentioned in (b) above, the States would have flexibility to engage any private agency as Systems Integrator through a transparent mode under the broad over-all guidance and guidelines issued by MHA.
d) The outcomes of the project would be linked to the deliverables and a staggered payment approach linked to performance on these deliverables will be adopted.
e) The CAS would be developed by leveraging the experience of the existing successful State applications and CIPA by adopting best practices and architecture for CAS. Necessary standards and formats would be ensured to maintain uniformity and interoperability among states and with Government of India.
f) In order to enable Government to retain ownership and strategic control of CAS and assets, including the source code, the development of CAS would be managed by NCRB with active support and guidance of a dedicated team from NIC. NCRB would be suitably strengthened for this purpose and dedicated teams would be formed with the required managerial and technical expertise, to carry out and manage the development.
g) The CAS will be released to the states only after Quality & Security certification by an external qualified agency.
h) The project implementation would be monitored through a Central Program Management Unit (CPMU) under MHA which could be housed in NCRB.
i) NIC would continue to maintain the current CIPA application till the new CCTNS application is developed and deployed in the States. Thereafter, the Police Stations which have already been covered under CIPA would be integrated into CCTNS.
j) Project Monitoring and Review Committee, with the Home Secretary as Chairperson has been constituted at MHA level to monitor the progress and review the implementation strategy and bring in changes, if required, in the overall interest of the project. Empowered Committee, with the Additional Secretary (CS) as Chairperson, has been constituted at MHA level to examine, sanction and review the project including the proposals from the States. Similarly, institutional arrangements are being made at State level to ensure proper implementation of the project.

8) What is the Governance Structure to be created at the State level?

The following governance committees, recommended by DIT shall review progress, implementation and rollout, shall monitor utilization of funds and issue Policy Directions/Guidelines for CCTNS project.
a. State Apex Committee
b. State Empowered Committee
c. State Mission Team
d. District Mission Team
The committees are to be formed as per the guidelines below. It is requested that after the states form all teams for implementation, they inform the details to MHA/NCRB.

9) How is the project proposed to be funded?

CCTNS, being a 100% centrally funded scheme, will provide all states with the required funding to run the program in the current Plan period up to 2011-12.
The scheme would finance the following components under CCTNS: CCTNS application to address the police functionality under the scope of CCTNS, procurement and installation of hardware (including PCs and peripherals), connectivity infrastructure, enhancement of state-level Data Centers, site preparation and commissioning, capacity building and handholding, digitization of historical data, data migration from legacy systems (if any) and specialized applications and infrastructure (that are approved under the CCTNS scheme). These components would be provided as a “bundle of services” to be executed by a Systems Integrator at state level. Funds would be released only against the procurement of the prescribed “bundle of services” and not against the procurement of individual components thereof.
The following costs, if any, will be borne by the states: building cost, civil infrastructure, manpower costs, recurring and operational costs such as electric power, consumables, communications tariffs, etc.

10) What is the role and responsibility of the Centre?

The MHA/NCRB at the Centre will be responsible for the following activities:
 Funding: Funding for application hardware, connectivity, capacity building
 Program Management: Overall planning, monitoring and program management through Central PMU
 Software application: Core software to be developed at NCRB
 Hardware and Connectivity:
o Procurement and deployment for the hardware needed at NCRB
o Guidelines to states where appropriate
 Capacity Building:
o Capacity building and change management frameworks to be created and shared with states
o Training material provided where appropriate
 Ownership and Management of System: Owns and manages the systems deployed at NCRB and at the Centre.

11) What is the role and responsibility of the States and UTs?

The States and UTs are responsible for the following activities:
 Funding:
o Operating/ recurring costs (including manpower)
o Management of the system beyond plan period
 Program Management:
o Planning implementation at the state level
o Implementation, monitoring and assessment and program management at State level
 Software application:
o Customization and deployment of Core software
o Enhancements and extensions to the Core
 Hardware and Connectivity: Procurement, installation, operations management and infrastructure management of all state level infrastructure
 Capacity Building:
o Implementation of change management and capacity building programs
o Planning training programs in states and implementation
 Ownership and Management of System: Complete ownership and management of the systems lies with the states

12) Who are the other Stakeholders involved in the CCTNS project?

The other stakeholders are the following:
At the Center:
• Central Project Management Consultant (CPMC)
• Central Project Management Unit (CPMU)
• Software Development Agency (SDA)
At the State
• State Project Management Consultant (SPMC)
• State Project Management Unit (SPMU)
• System Integrator (SI)
The following are the roles and responsibilities of the various stakeholders:
• Central Project Management Consultant (CPMC):The CPMC is responsible for the following activities:
• Define Implementation Framework and develop Implementation Guidelines to States
• Business Process Redesign
• Study of National and International Best Practices
• Developing Functional Requirements
• Propose Solution Architecture
• Preparation of Request for Proposal for selecting the Software Development Agency (SDA)
• Preparation of model RFP for the selection of System Integrators in States
• Preparation of Change Management and Capacity Building Framework
• Develop Core Scope and Core Investment Plans
• Assist NCRB in empanelling consultants for State Project Management Consultancy (S-PMC)
• Define Monitoring and Evaluation Framework including the definition of Service Levels
• Central Project Management Unit (CPMU): The CPMU is responsible for the following activities:
• Monitor implementation of project
• Coordination with SPMC and SPMU
• Software Development Agency (SDA)
• Design and Development of CCTNS Core Application Software (CAS)
• Support State SIs in deploying CAS (State) in States
• Application Management Services for CAS
• State Project Management Consultant (SPMC)
• Comprehensive study of the State’s requirements and existing systems
• Prepare Project Implementation Report (PIM) and support the State through the appraisal and approval by MHA
• Prepare the RFP for selecting State SI
• Support the State in bid process management to select the SI
• State Project Management Unit (SPMU):
• Support during the implementation stage
• Overall Project Management and Coordination
• Review of the deliverables provided by the SI
• Regular IT audits
• Overseeing Acceptance Testing and Go-Live readiness
• Support during post-implementation stage
• Monitor Service Levels to ensure satisfied end-user and the continuous usage of the application
• Change Control to manage the changes and patches on the application and infrastructure
• Monitoring and evaluation of the outcomes and provide feedback to the State and SI
• System Integrator (SI): The System Integrator is responsible for the bundle of services including:
• Application Software (customization and enhancement)
• Networking, communications infrastructure and Data Centre
• Hardware (supply and installation)
• Specialized infrastructure and solutions
• Digitization of historical data
• Consumables
• Capacity Building and Change Management
• Handholding

13) How are Information & Communication Technologies proposed to be used in this project?

Information Technology (IT) shall play a very vital role in improving outcomes in the areas of Crime Investigation and Criminals Detection and other functioning of the Police organizations, by facilitating easy recording, retrieval, analysis and sharing of the pile of Information. Quick and timely information availability about different facets of Police functions to the right functionaries can bring in a sea change both in Crime & Criminals handling and related Operations, as well as administrative processes.
Creation and maintenance of databases on Crime & Criminals in digital form for sharing by all the stakeholders in the system is therefore very essential in order to effectively meet the challenges of Crime Control and maintenance of public order. In order to achieve this, all the States should meet a common minimum threshold in the use of IT, especially for crime & criminals related functions.
CCTNS aims at creating a comprehensive and integrated system for enhancing the efficiency and effective policing at all levels and especially at the Police Station level through adoption of principles of e-Governance, and creation of a nationwide networked infrastructure for evolution of IT-enabled state-of-the-art tracking system around “investigation of crime and detection of criminals” in real time, which is a critical requirement in the context of the present day internal security scenario.

14) Have we taken into account the international best practices in this area?

A preliminary secondary research of International best practices in the area of Policing and Public Security has been conducted and the findings have been incorporated into CCTNS, especially in the areas of defining the implementation of model and functionality (details are covered in the answer to question number 15).
Policing systems in USA, UK, Australia, Singapore and New Zealand have been surveyed for this purpose.
A more detailed study of international best practices will be conducted by the Central Project Management Consultant.

15) What are the global learnings that have gone behind the framework of CCTNS?

Inputs from international experience in the following areas have been gleaned and incorporated into the design of CCTNS:
Implementation Model
 Bundled approach to implementation that ensures accountability from a single vendor and ease of program management for the government
 Implementation of Change Management, Capacity Building and process reengineering in conjunction with the implementation of IT systems.
 Focus on the output of the system that helps police force improve outcomes in core police functions, i.e. focus on investigation tools, etc.
 Providing senior officers the ability to analyze crime and criminals related information by providing for ad-hoc queries, graphical representation of data, etc.
 Eliminate duplicate entry of data

16) What kind of government process re-engineering is involved?

The following aspects of process reengineering will form part of CCTNS:
 Reduction and subsequent elimination of manual maintenance of registers in police stations and other higher offices
 Elimination of manual generation of reports (weekly and monthly crime reports, etc.) at police stations
 Enabling citizens and other agencies to access a subset of police services through police portals
 Real time or near real time sharing of data between police stations and higher officers, coupled with strong Query and MIS capabilities will enable need-based and flexible review sessions by senior officers (thus enhancing net effectiveness compared to the present model of Monthly Crime Reviews)
 Simplification and standardization of processes and forms to eliminate redundancy of data entry
A more detailed study of international best practices will be conducted by the Central Project Management Consultant.

17) How does it help address the information needs of stakeholders, i.e., police, citizen and other departments

CCTNS will help address the information needs of stakeholders in the following way: S.No Stakeholder Benefits

1. Citizens

 Multiple channels to access services from police
 Simplified process for registering and tracking petitions and FIRs
 Simplified process for accessing general services such as requests for certificates, verifications, and permissions
 Simplified process for registering grievances against police
 Simplified process for tracking the progress of the case during trials
 Simplified access to view/report unclaimed/recovered vehicles

S.No Stakeholder Benefits and property

 Improved relationship management for victims and witnesses
 Greater access to traffic police for registering traffic complaints
 Faster and assured response from police to any emergency calls for assistance

2. Police Department

 Enhanced tools for investigation
 Centralized crime and criminal information repository along with the criminal images and fingerprints with advanced search capabilities
 Enhanced ability to analyze crime patterns, modus operandi
 Enhanced ability to analyze accidents and other road incidents
 Faster turnaround time for the analysis results (crime and traffic) to reach the officers on the field
 Reduced workload of the police station back-office activities such as preparation of regular and ad-hoc reports and station records management
 Enhanced tools to optimize resource allocation for patrols, emergency response, petition enquiries, and other general duties
 A collaborative knowledge-oriented environment where knowledge is shared across the different regions and units
 Better coordination and communication with external stakeholders through implementation of electronic information exchange systems

3. Police personnel

 Balanced performance evaluation metrics and framework
 Simplified process for registering grievances within the department
 Simplified process for personnel’s administrative services such as leave, pay-roll, loans, and bill claims
 Integrated view of the service record that presents the performance feedback and training needs.

4. Police officials

 Standardized means of capturing the crime and criminal data across the police stations in the country
 Faster and easier access to crime and criminal information

S.No Stakeholder Benefits

across the country in a manner amenable for trend and pattern analysis
 Enhanced ability to detect crime patterns and modus operandi across the states and communicate to the state police departments for aiding in crime prevention

5. External Departments

 Seamless integration with police systems for better citizen service delivery and improved law enforcement

6. Government of India

 Timely Access to Information
 Informed decision making

18) How will it improve the policing at the State level and police-citizen relationship and have a long-term impact on inclusive governance?
Crime and Criminal Tracking Network & Systems (CCTNS) aims at creating a comprehensive and integrated system for enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of policing at the Police Station level through adoption of principles of e-Governance, and creation of a nationwide networked infrastructure for evolution of IT-enabled state-of-the-art tracking system around “investigation of crime and detection of criminals” in the real time, which is a critical requirement in the context of the present day internal security scenario.
The aim of the CCTNS project is to bring about computerization and automation in the functioning at the police station and improve service delivery to the citizens. Some of the e-services to be provided to the citizens include:
 Filing of Complaints/ information to the concerned Police Station
 Obtaining the status of the complaint or case registered at Police Station
 Obtaining the copies of FIRs, post-mortem reports and other permissible documents etc.
 Details of arrested persons/ wanted criminals and their illegal activities etc.
 Details of missing/ kidnapped persons and their matching with arrested, unidentified persons and dead bodies
 Details of stolen/ recovered vehicles, arms and other properties.
 Submission of requests for issue/ renewal of various NOCs, clearances and permits and status of such requests online.
 Verification requests for servants, employment, passport, senior citizen registrations etc.
 Portal for sharing information and enabling citizens to download required forms/ certificates etc.
These e-services are only indicative and a final list of e-services would evolve in consultation with all the stake holders. The service levels for each service would be finalized in consultation with all stake holders.

19) How are we planning to tackle the problem of re-skilling, capacity building and change management?

Capacity Building is a highly critical component of CCTNS. The objective of CCTNS Capacity Building (CB) initiatives is to empower the direct users and other stakeholders of CCTNS to optimally use CCTNS and enhance outcomes in crime investigation, criminals tracking and other core police functions; and also ensure a smooth functioning of CCTNS.

Based on their needs and the objectives of CCTNS, training programs would be organized under the following themes:

1. Creating awareness about the benefits of ICT and basic computer skills
2. Role-based training on the CCTNS application
3. “Train the Trainer” programs, where members of the police staff would be trained to enable them to conduct further training programs, thus helping build up scalability in the training program and also reducing the dependency on external vendors for training.
4. System Administrator training: a few members of the police staff with high aptitude would be trained to act as system administrators and troubleshooters for CCTNS.
5. Apart from identifying people with appropriate aptitude for more technical roles, persons with technical aptitude would be identified during their Recruit Training and would be guided into more technical roles (potentially to develop into a technical cadre).

Funds would be released towards strengthening existing police training centers and institutes by enhancing the infrastructure. The following would be covered for infrastructure reinforcement:

• All district headquarters
• 5 RPCTCs (Regional Police Computer Training Center)
• 35 SCRBx (State Crime Records Bureaus)
• Recruit Training Centers and Police Training Colleges (110 in all).

20) Are there any service levels defined and what measures are being taken to ensure adherence?

Some of the services and service levels identified for this project include Improved Citizen Services o Access to FIRs and FIR status information – Online 24*7 o Information related to Stolen/Missing/Unclaimed Vehicles, Missing Children, Unidentified/ Unclaimed Dead Bodies, Vehicle Thefts, Accidents, Proclaimed Offenders/Most Wanted Criminals – Online 24*7 o Real-time access to information at Police Stations for providing No Objection Certificates, Antecedent Verifications, etc. Streamlined investigation and prosecution o Preparation of Integrated Investigation Forms (IIFs) facilitated through online forms o Support to Crime Investigation and Criminals Tracking through Advanced Search and MIS Database with high levels of reliability and integrity o Search for Crime, Criminal, Property and other case related information including biometric data – On Demand o Accurate and timely response to questions from parliament, assemblies, RTI queries and information from other agencies – On Demand Enhanced Operational Efficiency o Circulation of FIRs to concerned officers – Real time o Crime Report Information and Trends available – Real time o Automated MIS and Reporting to release valuable time and resources to core police functions o Single entry of data and automated reporting releases valuable resources from back office functions to core police functions States have to design a Monitoring and Evaluation framework to measure the service levels

21) How do we access the state specific CCTNS project email id?

The following are the steps for accessing the email ids:

• Type in the web browser and press Enter key
• A new Security Alert window will appear (see below), click on YES button
• Now it will prompt for User Name, Password and Domain. Type your user name, password as allotted. In the Domain type webdom (small letter) and press OK button.
• User account will open.

22) How do we change the password for the state specific CCTNS project email id?

The following are the steps for changing the passwords for the email ids:

• Click on Option button appearing on the left panel
• Press Change password button
• A new window namely Internet Service Manager window appears
• Type Domain name as webdom and old password and new password
• Click on OK to change the password

23) What should be the bank account for the State Designated agency?

Create the bank account as “CCTNS Project – <StateName>”.

24) Who is the competent authority for signing the MoU from the state?

The competent authority for signing the MoU on behalf of the State is normally the Home Secretary or Chief Secretary of the State.

25) What is the state of preparedness of stakeholders?

At the Center the following activities have been undertaken:

• State Nodal officers workshops conducted.
• Approval of CCTNS scheme by CCEA and Planning Commission
• Letter to States/UTs on Implementation Guidelines sent along with the following documents:

 Model Request For Proposal (RFP) for Selection of System Integrator (SI) at the States
 Capacity Building Guidelines
 Functional Requirements Specification (FRS) for the Core Application Software (CAS)

• Letter to States/UTs regarding funds allocated under the following heads and its release based on fulfillment of certain pre-requisites:
 S-PMC (25%)
 Capacity Building for Strengthening of Institutions (100%)
 Capacity Building for Personnel (10%)

• Template for preparation of Project implementation and monitoring report sent to the States
• Indicative technical specifications for Capacity building infrastructure has been sent to the States
• First Installment of Funds sent to all the States
• Discussions with BSNL for finalization of Networking Design for Police Stations and Higher Offices under progress
• Project Monitoring Templates have been sent to the States
• Five Regional Workshops have been conducted across different regions
• Responses of Seven shortlisted bidders received for development of CAS. Technical evaluation is under progress

At the State the following activities have been undertaken:

• 35 States/UTs have sent the State Plans
• 35 States/UTs have identified the State Designated Agency
• 35 States/UTs have formed the Governance Structure as per the Implementation Guidelines
• 7 States have selected State Project Management Consultants , others are in Progress

26) What are the next steps for center and states/UTs and the timelines to be adhered to?

At the Center: Activity at Center Target Date of Completion Selection of Software Development Agency (SDA) for developing CAS February 2010 Finalization of Networking Design for Police Stations and Higher Offices February 2010 Setting up of Central-Programme Management Unit in MHA March 2010 Strengthening of NCRB- New appointments on contract/ deputation etc. March 2010 Detailed assessment of police systems through the Central Project Management Consultant (C-PMC) June 2010

At the State/UTs: Activities for States/UTs Target Date of Completion Strengthening of Training infrastructure and commencing training programs based on the guidelines sent by MHA. 31st March 2010 Appointment of State Level Project Consultants (S-PMC) to assist the State / UT in the implementation of the project February 2010 Prepare and Submit the Project implementation and Monitoring Report (PIM) with assistance from the S-PMC March/April 2010 Prepare Request for Proposal for selection of System Integrator at the State with the help of the S-PMC April/May 2010 Selection of System Integrator June 2010 Contract negotiation and signing of finalized contract July 2010 Start of work by SI July 2010 Resource Mobilization and Project Initiation August 2010

Capacity building at the State/UT level for all modules Continuous Data Migration at State/ UTs November 2010 Acceptance of successfully User-tested, Field-tested and Certified CAS to States/UTs February 2011 Initiate customization of CAS-State at the State/ UT level March 2011

27) Whether SPMC can function as SPMU?

The SPMC can function as SPMU; however the decision regarding the same needs to be taken by the State empowered Committee. The States can select any of the following option:

a) The State/UT can select a single agency both for SPMC and SPMU through a common bid process.
b) Both SPMC and SPMU have different set of functionalities. The role of SPMC is to collect and analyze State/UT’s requirements of CCTNS project for preparation of a Detailed Project Report or the Project Implementation and Monitoring (PIM) Report and Request for proposal (RFP) for CCTNS project implementation in the State/UT by aiding the State/UT in selection of a System Integrator (SI). The SPMU on the other hand monitors the CCTNS project implementation activities undertaken by SI and shall assist the State/UT in other project coordination activities during CCTNS project implementation.
c) If the State/UT intends to select a common agency for both SPMC and SPMU, then the RFP for selection of the common agency for both SPMC and SPMU should clearly specify the distinct scope of work and manpower and other resource requirements for the same. Therefore both the Scope of work and manpower requirement needs to be clearly specified in the Terms of Reference for selection of SPMC and SPMU through a common bid process.
d) If the State/UT wants to select a separate agency as SPMU, the State/UT can avail the services of the existing SPMC in selecting another agency as SPMU through a bid process. If the existing SPMC itself aims to participate in the bid process for SPMU selection, the State/UT has to engage a separate independent agency for conducting such bid process for selection of SPMU.

28) Whether any committees need to be constituted for SPMC selection?

The Empowered Committee of the State/UT can form technical sub-committees with relevant members from IT department or any other relevant department for technical evaluation of the bids submitted for selection of SPMC/SPMU. Such sub-committees should have representation from Empowered committee/State Mission team, Technical experts from IT department of the state and/or any other technical experts who are experienced in procurement of IT goods and services.

29) What sections of the ToR for selection of SPMC can be modified by State/UT?

State/UTs can modify the ToR keeping in view the following requirements

i) State-specific requirements such as experience and familiarity in the state/region.
ii) State-specific requirements such as size of State and level of computerization
All such modifications should not skew the eligibility criteria towards one or more vendors and impact vendor neutrality. The State/UT should communicate all such modifications to NCRB and MHA. The following are the sections of ToR of SPMC which can be modified.
a) Section 2: Scope of Consulting Engagement – The State/UT can add more activities to the existing scope in the ToR. The State/UT can choose to include the scope of SPMU within the same assignment.
b) Section 5.1.2: Detailed Assessment – The State/UT should update the table provided under the “geographical scope of the assessment area”
c) Section 5.1.3: Functional Specifications - The scope of the solutions is to be provided by the State/UT.
d) Section 6.1: Deliverables – The State/UT can update the timelines for the deliverables based on the size and requirements of the State/UT.
e) Section 6.2: Milestones – The State/UT will update the milestones which have been added by the State/UT as part of the Scope of Work
f) Section 6.5: Time Frame – The State/UT can update the period of engagement based on the requirements of the State/UT
g) Section 8: Bid Submission – The following details should be updated by the State/UT
i. No of Pages part of the technical response based on the requirements
ii. Address of the Nodal Officer
iii. Last Date of Submission
iv. Minimum requirement for consulting fees for IT projects
v. The State/UT can choose to update any other section based on their requirements.

30) Whether Manpower requirements specified in SPMC ToR can be changed?

The State/UTs may follow the manpower requirements as per ToR for SPMC or have the flexibility to obtain the additional resources or reduce the manpower for SPMC based on state
specific CCTNS project requirements. The States need to identify the requirements based on deliverables and timelines for completing the SPMC activities for the State.

31) What happens to any balance in funds allocated for SPMC?

The state/UT shall not divert or reallocate the funds allocated under a particular head. The State/UT can utilize the funds allocated only for State Project Management consultancy work. Any balance in funds should be returned to Centre and the details shall be mentioned in the Progress reports and Utilization certificate

32) Who will answer the pre-bid queries?

The State/UT should handle the entire bid process including providing replies to pre-bid queries. To manage the bid process the State Empowered Committee can constitute a sub-committee with representation from State IT Department and/or representatives from Government departments with experience in procurement for goods and services.

33) Whether detailed list of locations need to be provided for undertaking the IT assessment for preparation of PIM report by SPMC?

The State/UT should clearly list all the functional units (Police stations/Higher offices/other associated units/Organizations) and information on the number of transactions (Citizen/Internal) in the Police department for the bidders to provide a responsive proposal.

34) Whether Consortia are allowed for Selection of SPMC?

Consortia are not allowed. However the firms can take the services of individual domain experts/consultants as per the state/UT’s requirements through a legally executed individual contract agreement with the approval of State Empowered Committee.

35) What is the breakup of fund allocated for CB-Infrastructure?

The allocated funds for the first installment of CCTNS project under the head Capacity building (Infrastructure) shall be utilized for IT infrastructure development at District Training centers and SCRBs as per the capacity building guidelines communicated to States/UTs. The States/UTs have to assess the infrastructure requirement for SCRBs of their respective States/UTs for procurement of IT infrastructure. Funds for IT infrastructure establishment at RTCs/PTCs/Police Academies shall be separately sent to the states.

36) What is the Procurement process for CB- Infrastructure?

The State/UT needs to decide the procurement method and can procure through following methods
 Open tender
 Designated procurement agencies of State Government
The State/UT shall follow State finance/Procurement rules and/or GFR for procurement of IT infrastructure for capacity building. The EC of the State/UT can use the already existing procurement committee of the organization or create a sub-committee for procurement of IT infrastructure.

37) Whether the Hardware specifications provided by NCRB be changed?

NCRB has provided indicative baseline hardware specifications available with DGS&D, mapping the minimum CCTNS technical requirements with the fund allocation. However if any advanced/latest hardware configuration is available in the market or with DGS&D or any other agencies, within the budget limit prescribed, the State/UT has flexibility to modify the hardware specifications in accordance with the latest available configuration for procurement.

The State/UT shall also have the flexibility to procure hardware with advanced configuration beyond the budget amount/unit rates sanctioned under CCTNS project. However any additional amount incurred beyond the unit rates sanctioned by NCRB shall be borne by the State/UT.

38) What capacity building activities need to be taken up for initial Capacity building fund allocation for training personnel?

The fund allocated under first installment of Capacity Building (Training personnel) is 10% of the total fund for Capacity building. This fund shall be utilized to design and conduct Training for Personnel for the following two areas namely, i) Sensitization of benefits to IT and ii) Basic Computer Awareness Training as per the Capacity building guidelines communicated to states. NCRB has already circulated training modules as basic guidelines. The States/UTs can design the curriculum based on the training modules circulated by NCRB.

39) Who shall provide Training for the Capacity building activities?

 The States/UTs shall provide training under the first installment of funds allocated (10% of total CB funds) through in-house State/UT Police department organizations (DTC/RTC/PTC/Academy) or through State /UT IT department or any other State/UT Government body involved in training of Government personnel in basic Computer awareness skills and in e-Governance and Sensitization of Benefits of IT.
 The State/UT can also partly or fully outsource the Training under first installment of Capacity building funds for training personnel to a public or private sector agency which is experienced in training Government personnel for Basic computer awareness skills and Sensitization of IT Benefits. Such Private or Public sector agency should be institutions of repute and should be in business of IT certification and training for at-least three years and should have substantial manpower and IT infrastructure to impart the training planned under the CCTNS project.

40) Who will design the curriculum and training modules?

NCRB has circulated the Training modules to all the States/UTs. The State/UT has flexibility to constitute committees/teams for revising the syllabi/training modules as per the State/UT specific requirements. Also, the State/UT can translate the training content in local languages if required.

41) Who shall do the Training needs Assessment?

a) The State/UT Mission team or a team constituted by the nodal officer with the approval of the Empowered committee of the State/UT shall commission a Training needs assessment study/exercise to decide on the number of Trainees and the curriculum for the first phase of Capacity building training for Basic Computer awareness and Sensitization of IT benefits based on the Capacity Building guidelines. Such Training needs assessment exercise/study should be taken up by the Mission team in consultation with the Police Training department of State/UT.
b) The Project Implementation and Monitoring (PIM) report prepared by SPMC shall have detailed Training needs assessment for defining the scope of SI for provision of CB (Training personnel) for providing CCTNS software application training.

42) If there is a balance of funds under a particular Head of funds after accomplishment of all activities under that head, can the State re-allocate those funds under some other head?

No. The funds have to be utilized under the head for which they were granted. Any balance funds must be returned/ reported to the Centre for any readjustments against future payments.

43) Is it possible to transfer the funds due to States electronically rather than the States having to collect drafts?

Yes. Funds shall be transferred electronically going forward. (IFSC code of the CCTNS bank Account of all States/UTs is essential for the fund transfer)

44) How will the States report the progress of the project to the Center?

Project reporting structure and templates have been designed and communicated by the Centre to all States/UTs to facilitate timely and comprehensive progress reporting of the project
activities at the State level. Monthly progress report, Quarterly financial progress report and Utilization certificates shall be furnished by the States as per the schedule below:
Project Monitoring Report
Submission Date
To be signed/Certified by
Monthly Progress Report
By the end of first week of every month
The Nodal Officer of State/UT
Quarterly Financial Report
By the end of the first fortnight of every quarter or the date mandated by MHA whichever is earlier
The Nodal Officer of State/UT
Utilization certificate
By the end of the first fortnight of every quarter or the date mandated by MHA whichever is earlier
Designated official of the Department of Home, State/UT


Key Apprehensions/Fears

1. Would the Implementation of CCTNS project in one go vis-a-vis a phased implementation approach across all States pose challenges in the successful implementation of the Project?

CCTNS is planned to be implemented across States/UTs in phases and not in one go. Districts in each State will implement and Go-Live in a staggered manner. CAS will first Go-Live in the pilot districts in each State. Subsequently, the feedback from the pilot phase would be utilized during the Go-Live of remaining phases covering all other districts.

2. How will the delay in the release of CAS application to the States impact the State’s envisaged implementation plan? How can the implementation plan be modified to ensure minimum delay in implementation?

As per the current schedule, CAS will be delivered to States in December 2012. In an effort to reduce the impact of any delay in release of CAS to States, all States have been advised to carry out other prioritized activities basis the advisories issued by MHA and NCRB. These activities include data digitization, training of personnel, site preparation etc. All these activities must be completed to ensure Go-Live of the Pilot districts by 25th Dec 2012. All advisories issued by MHA/NCRB are available on the NCRB website.

3. With the roll out of the application, will the Police officials be required to enter the data both in manual registers as well in the Computer Application (CAS) ? If ‘yes’, how long would this practice continue?

After the Go-Live of CAS at each location, a transition phase will begin, during which the concerned police officials will be required to enter data in the online system (CAS) as well as in the manual registers. The duration of this transition phase should not be more than six (06) months.

4. Will the Core Application Software (CAS) application support local language requirements for data entry, storage and retrieval?

Yes, the CAS has support for multilingual data entry and users will be able to enter data in their official language.

5. What is a font? Which fonts are supported by the CAS application? What does Unicode mean?

Font is the combination of properties for a set of characters including typeface, size, pitch and spacing. A font defines the look and feel of the text in an application.
The CAS application supports all fonts that are Unicode complaint. A Unicode font (also known as UCS font and Unicode typeface) is a computer font that contains a wide range of characters, letters, digits, glyphs, symbols, ideograms, logograms, etc., which are collectively mapped into the standard Universal Character Set, derived from many different languages and scripts from around the world.

6. Would there be any challenge in integrating/sharing the application data with external application like RTI , Court Cases etc.?

No, there will not be any issues in integrating CAS with other applications running in the State. CAS will have direct interface to other applications in use by the State police department. The system Integrator (SI) of each State will be required to build interface between CAS and the identified applications. Additionally, CAS, through the use of State Service Delivery Gateway (SSDG), will receive and transmit data with other non-police (external) applications.

7. What are NSDG & SSDG? How are they relevant to us?

NSDG (National e-Governance Services Delivery Gateway) is a standards based middleware for achieving secure messaging and interoperability across departmental applications. For more details, visit
SSDG stands for the State e-Governance Services Delivery Gateway. SSDG is a productized version of NSDG. SSDG has been envisaged to be deployed at the State level to facilitate message exchange between the applications in the State.
The vision for NSDG is to service the Central MMPs and Line Ministries. The State Gateways are being installed in the State Data Centres and will service all the State Departments and Line Ministries. The State Gateways and the National Gateway are interconnected forming a constellation of Gateways servicing the needs of various departments across the length and breadth of the country.

8. What are NDC and SDC? How are they relevant to us?

As per the National eGovernance Plan (NeGP), State Data Centres (SDC) are being set up in all States / UTs of India to support various State Departments in running their applications catering to G2G (Government to Government), G2C (Government to Citizen), and G2B (Government to Business) services.
National Data Centres, managed by NIC, have been identified as Disaster Recovery (DR) sites for the SDCs. Under project CCTNS, the CAS(State) will be hosted in these data centres, wherever operational.

9. What are the inbuilt provisions for addressing frequent issues related to loss of Connectivity? What impact shall loss of connectivity have on the data stored in the application? Can we only use the offline application?

CAS has been designed to operate in two modes: online and offline. Whenever the system detects loss of connectivity, the application switches to the offline mode. During this period, all data would be stored on to one of the computers that will act as the server. Once connectivity is restored, the application will sync with the SDC to enable transfer and synchronization of data.
In online mode, CAS will automatically sync with the State Data Centre to ensure data synchronization and accuracy. Once connectivity is restored, the system will force the user to switch to the online mode.

10. Would there be sufficient number of IT peripherals (including computer systems, printers) to carry out operations efficiently at the Police Stations?

Under this project, each State has been sanctioned sufficient quantity of hardware required for ensuring smooth operation of the CCTNS project. Hardware provided to States includes computers, printers, UPS, generators, scanners, networking equipment, consumables etc.

11. How are the issues with the skill enhancement of police personnel on the Technology & Change management being handled? How does the project aim to address the issue of shortage of skilled manpower?

One of the key components of the project is capacity building and change management. Under this activity, the Ministry has mandated that adequate number of police personnel are trained in courses such as basic IT, system administration, networking etc. NCRB also conducts training of trainers (ToT) on a periodic basis. SI of each State is also required to provide role-based training to personnel along with refresher courses.

12. How will the police personnel manage time between working on the CAS application and field activities? How shall the police personnel adapt to the changing needs and expectations post roll out of the application?

CAS will lead to significant reduction in manual record keeping and register maintenance. It will also reduce the time required to gather information from other agencies such as the FSL, FPB and other
external agencies. For eg: as soon as the reports from FSL/FPB are ready, the user or investigating officer will get information thereby reducing the requirement of frequent visits to FSLs & FPBs for reports. This will allow the police staff to focus and spend more time on investigation of cases and other police activities.
Post CAS roll-out, all police staff will have clearly assigned responsibilities. This along with the training received as part of capacity building activities will empower all personnel to effectively perform their duties.

13. Is it important to communicate and coordinate with the external agencies involved in the project such as State DIT, BSNL, SWAN operator etc? How frequently should the coordination meetings be held?

The project’s success is dependent on the seamless interaction between various components such as software, network, State Data Center, SWAN etc. Hence, it is imperative that all agencies work jointly by conducting periodic meetings to resolve any pending issues and to ensure that the project implementation is on schedule. Frequency of these meetings could be weekly, fortnightly or monthly as per requirement or as per the phase of implementation of the project.

14. What are the roles and responsibilities of the District e-Mission Team (DeMT) with respect to the implementation of the project in a State?

The implementation of this project follows a decentralized model. As part of this approach, each District e-Mission Team is required to supervise implementation of the project in all the police stations and higher offices of its respective district.
Some of the functions of the DeMT are as follows:
a. Prepare District Project Proposal.
b. Ensure proper Rollout of the Project in each selected Police Station.
c. Ensure hardware and software installation and operationalisation of the Project.
d. Training of all police personnel in the district.
e. Site preparation and availability of all utilities.
f. Ensure separate account keeping for the project.
g. Appointment and proper utilization of handholding personnel
h. Identify Change Champions

15. How shall the application support the monitoring of day to day activities at the police station?

The application has role based user access and will clearly demarcate the functions to be performed by each user in the system. The application can also be used to generate reports of various kinds for effective monitoring of all activities.
Key Suggestions for Improvement
1. What kind of training curriculum is included for new recruits at PTS / PTC level?
The new recruits should be given basic IT training covering Office tools along with a broad understanding of importance of Information Technology in the police functioning. An introductory session on the existing legacy system used by the police department and an overview of CCTNS Project should also be a part of the training curriculum.
2. What is a legacy system?
A legacy system is an old/outdated technology or application software.
3. What is the proper duration of a basic ICT course? Is a 3 day training sufficient to know computers and use the software?
Basic ICT course should be conducted for a duration of atleast 60 – 80 hours. The SI should conduct a Training Need Analysis to ascertain the training content and duration and make modifications to the curriculum accordingly.
4. Should there be any difference in the syllabi of training for Group A, B and C officials at DTC / PTS / PTC / RPTC level? (training proposed for Group A, B and C at DTC / PTS / PTC / RPTC level)
Trainings programs proposed for group A, B and C are as follows:
1. Group A – orientation to change management, project management and document management system and reporting
2. Group B – change management, team work skills, project management, basic IT, CCTNS orientation, information security, database networking, MIS, traffic module, forensic module, CAS core modules
3. Group C - change management, team work skills, project management, basic IT, CCTNS orientation, traffic module, forensic module, CAS core modules
5. What is Change Management?
Change management is an approach to shifting/transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations from a current state to a desired future state. It is an organizational process aimed at helping change stakeholders to accept and embrace changes in their environment. For CAS to be successfully adopted at each Police Station/Higher Office, proper change management is a must.
6. Can we introduce CAS offline training at DTC / PTS / PTC / RPTC level?
Yes, CAS offline may be installed at other training centres of the State for training of personnel.
7. What should be the course content for Basic Computers IT knowledge? Should training on local language typing be included as a mandatory course?
The State should include local language training in their curriculum. For course content related to Basic Computers IT knowledge, please refer to annexure 1.
8. During training, how much emphasis is to be laid on theory and how much time is to be allocated for practical/hands-on?
Hands- on / Practical training is important and the State should mandate such training as part of the curriculum. Every theory session should be adequately supported by a practical session and the training unit should ensure that each trainee is assigned a terminal for maximum benefit.
9. What should be the frequency of refresher courses?
A refresher course should at least be scheduled once in three (3) months (ideally every month in the initial period).
10. Who will conduct the refresher courses?
The System Integrator and NCRB shall conduct training of the trainers (TOTs) at SCRB level or Regional level and the trainers who have undergone TOT can in turn become trainers to train the personnel as a part of refresher courses.
11. Should a periodic journal / publication be circulated to create awareness about the CCTNS project and to share updates about the progress made across activities?
Yes, it is suggested that States may circulate a journal on periodic basis with all police personnel. This will bring awareness about the CCTNS project and help in change management. Additionally, the website of National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) may also be referred for latest updates and status related to the project.
The site can be accessed through the following link:
12. Are there any incentives envisaged for trainees who excel in the training sessions conducted under the CCTNS project?
NCRB has suggested that States may acknowledge superior performers by giving them appreciation letter, award, monetary compensation etc. Certificates to all trainees should be provided by a senior officer such as the SP or SSP of the district.
13. How is Pilot phase defined in a State with respect to CAS implementation?
Each State will begin implementation of CAS in the Pilot districts first. All States have identified one or more districts as Pilot districts for implementation of the project. The learning derived from the pilot implementation will be used to refine and fine-tune the implementation process across other districts of the State.
14. How will connectivity among systems be ensured across the country?
As per the CCEA note, wherever available and feasible, the State Wide Area Network (SWAN) and National Informatics Centre’s NICNET would be used to provide connectivity, as these are more secure. The horizontal connectivity in Police Stations and other field offices would be ensured through broadband, leased lines and VPNoBB (VPN over Broadband). Wherever the connectivity is unreliable, backup would be provided through WiMax or VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal). It is also proposed to co-locate dedicated servers at the State and National level at locations of the State data centres, Police data centres, NIC data centres or data centre to be established by NCRB under this project to economize the capital as well as recurring costs.
15. How crime and criminal tracking will be done using the application?
Core Application Software (CAS) has been built as a platform to provide the basic framework to capture crime and criminal information at the police stations while providing the States with the flexibility to build their state specific applications around it and in addition to it. An application at the Central (GOI/NCRB) level shall accept/gather/ collect data from States and processes/ organises the same. The application at the State level would enable Police Stations, Higher Offices and other police formations to generate and share with NCRB, the data that is required centrally, including the data specified in the Integrated Investigation Forms defined by NCRB. CAS shall also envisage providing interfaces with citizens and controlled and secured access to the external entities concerned with matters such as Passports, Immigration, Motor Vehicles, etc.
16. Who can undergo System Administrator and Trouble-shooter courses?
State should define a mechanism and minimum eligibility criteria to identify personnel for the system administrator training. For example, personnel that have already undergone basic and advanced IT courses may be recommended for such courses.
17. How is CCTNS an improvement over CIPA and CCIS?
Common Integrated Police Application (CIPA) programme had been initiated in the year 2004-05 as a component of the “Modernisation of State Police Forces (MPF)” scheme of the Ministry of Home Affairs. It was a stand-alone system and had very limited utility as compared to CCTNS. CCTNS aims at expanding the functional applications, widening the territorial spread, and building in networking capabilities in the system, both from the angle of Management Information Systems (MIS) requirements and storage, collation, analysis and transmission/sharing of crime and criminals related information at the police station, District, State and Central levels.
Crime Criminals Information System (CCIS) of NCRB was a major attempt to create a National level database on crime & criminals to be shared by all the States. The system is based on 7 nos. of Integrated Investigation Input Forms viz. FIR, Crime Details, Arrest/Surrender, Property Search & Seizure, Final
Report/Charge sheet, Court Disposal, and Result of Appeal. However, the data entry takes place at Districts based on the forms that are filled up manually at Police Stations, this being a major difference from CCTNS.
18. What will happen to the data captured using CIPA and CCIS systems after CCTNS project goes Live?
All the data available in the CIPA and CCIS systems will be migrated to the CCTNS database using a utility developed centrally by the Software Development Agency (SDA).
19. What is the relevance of Data Digitization? In what way will it be of use to the project?
Data Digitization is the process of digitizing historical data that is currently available in physical format. Data digitization will involve digitization of all the documents related to a case diary. It is mandatory to digitize data of IIF1 to IIF7. Once all the relevant data is digitized, there will not be any need to record data manually. This will save lot of time and make the police functioning more efficient.
20. Who is a handholding person and how will he help police personnel in the police stations?
After completion of the CCTNS implementation phase across a district, the system integrator will deploy a handholding person at each police station. The handholding person will provide the personnel assistance in areas related to day-to-day functioning, IT related help and in operating CAS. The duration of a handholding person’s stay will be six(6) months to one(1) year depending on whether he is assigned to a single police station or two police stations.
21. If there are any issues regarding the non-functioning of computer systems/ CAS, whom do we approach? If there is a connectivity issue, what should be done? Should we revert to the manual systems of operation in such a case?
The police personnel can take help from the handholding person and can further reach out to the SI helpdesk in case of a hardware related issue. For connectivity related matters also, the personnel should reach out to the SI helpdesk, who will inturn contact the local BSNL team for resolution of the problem.
During the period of no network connectivity, the application will switch to the offline mode and allow normal functioning of the police station activities. In case the BSNL repreWhenever there is a loss of connectivity, the application will keep running and will switch to the offline mode. During this period, all data would be stored on to one of the computers that will act as the server. Once connectivity is restored, the application will sync with the SDC to enable transfer of data. There will be no need to store any data/information manually.
22. In CCTNS, we were told that 4 systems will be provided to each Police Station. If number of IOs is more than 4, what needs to be done?
In case the number of Investigating officers is more than 4, the remaining IOs can use the existing systems or use the 4 systems on rotation and need basis.
23. Will we be able to store Finger prints of criminals in the software?
As a part of CCTNS project, the Automated Facial Recognition System (AFRS) to be implemented at select project locations would help in automatic identification and verification of persons from digital images, photos, digital sketches, video frames and video sources by comparison of selected facial features of the image from an already existing image database.
Fingerprint Enrolment Device: The purpose of FEDs is to enrol fingerprints of Convicts, Arrestees, Suspects and other individuals associated in Crime as permissible by law for record/ verification/authentication and also to read/query fingerprints for matching/verification. Fingerprints can be collected from a subject through an enrolment mechanism or can be collected from the place of occurrence /other location of an incident.
24. If there is no power, how will the system work?
Each police station shall be provided with a 2KVA generator set and a UPS, which will provide the required power if power supply is disrupted.
25. Why should we use this application if we are comfortable with the manual system?
CCTNS will eventually integrate with the prisons and courts. As part of this integration, information will need to be sent to the courts electronically and this will be a mandatory requirement. Already in certain States, as required by the courts, information related to complaints and FIRs have to be uploaded on the police website the next day. With CCTNS implemented, the citizens will be directly, via the internet, able to access the status of their cases and FIRs.
26. What will be the role of District eMission Team (DeMT)?
The District eMission Team (DeMT), comprising of the SSP/SP of the district - Chairperson, one officer of the DCRB, DIO of the NIC district centre and one officer from district police having computer knowledge, will review progress, address any pending issues and ensure site preparation and availability of all utilities The SI will be supported by the DeMT or its representatives and the PS/HO officials in identification of the room & subsequent site preparation activities. DeMT representative along with SI representatives should finalize the physical location/room for installation of computers/ systems within the police station and higher office. The storage space for keeping the license certificates and equipments should also be arranged for DeMT shall approve the Site Survey report with recommendations (if any). SI shall begin the Site preparation post receiving a go-ahead from DeMT. DeMT staff should ensure that a separate earth pit is prepared and that the SI fulfils other earthing requirements. DeMT should give a signoff once the site preparation work is completed as per requirements laid out in the RFP document DeMT members should ensure that the computers and peripherals as well as computer furniture procured by the System Integrator are as per the RFP
27. What is the difference between Pre-Go-Live Stage, Go-Live Stage and O&M phase?
Pre Go-Live, in context of CCTNS implementation, is considered as Completion and Acceptance of the following activities in at least 50% of the Police Stations / Higher Offices in each of the Districts targeted under that Phase: Data Migration / Digitization Capacity Building Program covering the targeted personnel Change Management Initiatives covering the targeted personnel Site Preparation Delivery and Commissioning of Client Side Infrastructure Networking
Go-Live, in context of CCTNS implementation, is considered as Completion and Acceptance of the following activities in 100% of the Police Stations / Higher Offices in each of the Districts targeted under that Phase: Data Migration / Digitization Capacity Building Program covering the targeted personnel Change Management Initiatives covering the targeted personnel Site Preparation Delivery and Commissioning of Client Side Infrastructure Networking
Commission of the Configured, Customized, and Extended CAS (State) The PS / HO have completely migrated to the new application and the police station and the higher offices’ personnel are successfully conducting the intended functions through the application
Operations and Maintenance Phase:
The operations and maintenance phase is for a period of three (3) years post Go-Live in the last district. In this phase system Integrator is required to support the State on all the issues reported related to hardware, software etc. SI needs to ensure the proper functioning of the CAS system and business continuity in the O&M phase.
IT Basics – I
(20 Hours)
Target Group: Constables, Head Constables and lower functionaries who will be primary users of computers at Police Stations and Districts
Learning Objectives:
1. To develop practical IT motivation
2. To develop introductory skills of operating a computer
3. To have basic understanding of Windows / Linux / Vista
4. To have basic working skill of MS Word, Web browser, email and Internet
5. Simple trouble shooting techniques
6. To develop positive attitude towards work
Instructional Methodology: Classroom lectures along with hands on experience and assignments.
Course Contents:
Computers - An overview of computer and systems (2 Hours)
a. Elements of Computer System, Hardware & Software
b. Block diagram of a computer, CPU, Memory, Input/ Out devices
c. Mouse and Keyboard
d. Using a mouse (single and double click and their functions)
e. Printers, Scanners, Multi-functional Printer
f. UPS, Generator
g. CD, DVD, USB Drives (Flash / Pen Drives)
h. Identification of different types of cables
i. Networking devices – Switch, LAN Cable
j. Setting Up PC - Connecting each component of computer including LAN
k. Processes to follow before beginning to work and after completion of work
MS Windows XP/ Vista / Windows 7 / Linux - Operating System (6 Hours)
a. Start, Shutdown and Restart
b. Desktop, Icons, Recycle Bin, My Computer, My Documents
c. Minimizing, Maximizing, Resizing and Closing Windows
d. Files and folders, directory tree, drives
e. Coping / moving files between folders and drives
f. Renaming, Deleting files and folders
g. Searching, Finding files and folders
h. Launching an application and closing an application
i. Taskbar – Setting up / changing date and time
MS Word (8 Hours)
a. Creating a new word document
b. Opening an existing document
c. Editing and Saving a document
d. Typing a text, deleting, inserting, finding, replacing, copying and moving text
e. Justifying texts
f. Bold, Italics, Underline, Strike, Double Strike and Colouring text
g. Selecting Font and Font Sizes
h. Formatting page, margins, page size, portrait and landscape
i. Inserting symbols, pictures
j. Using Bullets
k. Using and manipulating tables, inserting / deleting of rows and columns
l. Sorting tables
m. Using Header and footer, Inserting Page number
n. Changing character width and line spacing
o. Printing of a document, Using print preview
p. Copy / moving text between two different documents
q. Typing More than one language in the same text
r. Shortcuts for various activities in MS Word
Web browsers, email and Internet (2 Hours)
a. Introduction to Internet
b. Searching the web
c. Emailing
Trouble Shooting (2 Hours)
a. Computer Related – No power, Does not start windows, Windows hanging
b. Printer related – Printer not printing, Printer get stuck, Paper gets stuck, Blurred printing, Poor quality of printing
c. Network related – Network not working, one computer not appearing in the network
d. Power related – UPS not working, Battery not charging
IT Basics – II
(20 Hours)
Target Group: SI, Inspectors and Personal Staff who will be primary users of computers at Police Stations and Districts
Learning Objectives:
1. To develop practical IT motivation
2. To develop introductory skills of operating a computer
3. To have basic understanding of Windows
4. To have basic working skill of MS Word, MS Excel and Internet / Email
5. Simple trouble shooting techniques
6. To develop positive attitude towards work
7. To develop basic softskills for public handling
Instructional Methodology: Classroom lectures along with hands on experience and assignments
Course Contents:
Computers - An overview of computer and systems (2 Hours)
a. Elements of Computer System, Hardware & Software
b. Block diagram of a computer, CPU, Memory, Input/ Out devices
c. Mouse and Keyboard
d. Using a mouse (single and double click and their functions)
e. Printers, Scanners, Multi-functional Printer
f. UPS, Generator
g. CD, DVD, USB Drives (Flash / Pen Drives)
h. Identification of different types of cables
i. Networking devices – Switch, LAN Cable
j. Setting Up PC - Connecting each component of computer including LAN
k. Processes to follow before beginning to work and after completion of work
MS Windows XP - Operating System (2 Hours)
a. Start, Shutdown and Restart
b. Desktop, Icons, Recycle Bin, My Computer, My Documents
c. Minimizing, Maximizing, Resizing and Closing Windows
d. Files and folders, directory tree, drives
e. Coping / moving files between folders and drives
f. Renaming, Deleting files and folders
g. Searching, Finding files and folders
h. Launching an application and closing an application
i. Taskbar – Setting up / changing date and time
MS Word (6 Hours)
a. Creating a new word document
b. Opening an existing document, Editing and Saving a document
c. Typing a text, deleting, inserting, finding, replacing, copying and moving text
d. Justifying texts
e. Bold, Italics, Underline, Strike, Double Strike and Colouring text
f. Selecting Font and Font Sizes
g. Formatting page, margins, page size, portrait and landscape
h. Inserting symbols, pictures
i. Using Bullet Lists
j. Using and manipulating tables, inserting / deleting of rows and columns
k. Sorting tables
l. Using Header and footer, Inserting Page number
m. Changing character width and line spacing
n. Printing of a document, Using print preview
o. Copy / moving text between two different documents
p. Typing More than one language in the same text
q. Shortcuts for various activities in MS Word
MS Excel (6 Hours)
a. Creating a new worksheet
b. Opening an existing worksheet
c. Editing and Saving a worksheet
d. Creating, Renaming and Deleting worksheets in a workbook
e. Types of data (Numeric, text etc.)
f. Entering in a cell
g. Manipulation of a cell, row and column (deleting, inserting, finding, replacing, copying and moving)
h. Justifying in a cell, Merging cells and columns
i. Addition, Subtraction and using formula
j. Selecting Font and Font Sizes
k. Using and manipulating tables, inserting / deleting of rows and columns
l. Sorting Columns
m. Using Header and footer, Inserting Page number
n. Border and Shading of cells, rows and columns
o. Formatting page, margins, page size, portrait and landscape
p. Selecting area for printing, Printing of a worksheet and workbooks, Using print preview
q. Copy / moving text between two different worksheets and workbooks
r. Using Chart Wizard, Creation of different types of charts
s. Shortcuts for various activities in MS Excel
Web Browsers and Internet (2 Hours)
a. Introduction to Internet
b. Searching the web
c. Emailing
Trouble Shooting (2 Hours)
a. Computer Related – No power, Does not start windows, Windows hanging
b. Printer related – Printer not printing, Printer get stuck, Paper gets stuck, Blurred printing, Poor quality of printing
c. Network related – Network not working, one computer not appearing in the network
d. Power related – UPS not working, Battery not charging
IT Basics – III
(20 Hours – Tuition Mode)
Target Group: Senior Officers who will be users of computers for MIS and Decision Support Mechanism
Learning Objectives:
1. To develop introductory skills of operating a computer
2. To have basic understanding of Windows
3. To have basic working skill of MS Word, MS Excel and MS PowerPoint
4. To have basic working skill in accessing Internet and Emailing
Instructional Methodology: Classroom lectures along with hands on
Course Contents:
Computers - An overview of computer and systems (20 Minutes)
a. Elements of Computer System, Hardware & Software
b. Block diagram of a computer, CPU, Memory, Input/ Out devices
c. Mouse and Keyboard
d. Using a mouse (single and double click and their functions)
e. Printers, Scanners, Multi-functional Printer
f. UPS, Generator
g. CD, DVD, USB Drives (Flash / Pen Drives)
h. Networking devices – Switch, LAN Cable
MS Windows XP - Operating System (40 Minutes)
a. Start, Shutdown and Restart
b. Desktop, Icons, Recycle Bin, My Computer, My Documents
c. Minimizing, Maximizing, Resizing and Closing Windows
d. Files and folders, directory tree, drives
e. Coping / moving files between folders and drives
f. Renaming, Deleting files and folders
g. Searching, Finding files and folders
h. Launching an application and closing an application
i. Taskbar – Setting up / changing date and time
MS Word (2 Hours)
a. Creating a new word document
b. Opening an existing document, Editing and Saving a document
c. Typing a text, deleting, inserting, finding, replacing, copying and moving text
d. Justifying texts
e. Bold, Italics, Underline, Strike, Double Strike and Colouring text
f. Selecting Font and Font Sizes
g. Formatting page, margins, page size, portrait and landscape
h. Inserting symbols, pictures
i. Using Bullet Lists
j. Using and manipulating tables, inserting / deleting of rows and columns
k. Sorting tables
l. Using Header and footer, Inserting Page number
m. Changing character width and line spacing
n. Printing of a document, Using print preview
o. Copy / moving text between two different documents
p. Typing More than one language in the same text
q. Shortcuts for various activities in MS Word
MS Excel (2 Hours)
a. Creating a new worksheet
b. Opening an existing worksheet
c. Editing and Saving a worksheet
d. Creating, Renaming and Deleting worksheets in a workbook
e. Types of data (Numeric, text etc.)
f. Entering in a cell
g. Manipulation of a cell, row and column (deleting, inserting, finding, replacing, copying and moving)
h. Justifying in a cell, Merging cells and columns
i. Addition, Subtraction and using formula
j. Selecting Font and Font Sizes
k. Using and manipulating tables, inserting / deleting of rows and columns
l. Sorting Columns
m. Using Header and footer, Inserting Page number
n. Border and Shading of cells, rows and columns
o. Formatting page, margins, page size, portrait and landscape
p. Selecting area for printing, Printing of a worksheet and workbooks, Using print preview
q. Copy / moving text between two different worksheets and workbooks
r. Using Chart Wizard, Creation of different types of charts
s. Shortcuts for various activities in MS Excel
MS PowerPoint (4 Hours)
a. Creating a new presentation
b. Opening an existing presentation
c. Editing and Saving a presentation
d. Formatting Presentation – Slide layout, Slide Design, Slide background
e. Inserting symbols, chart, tables, pictures, videos and audios
f. Inserting page number, date and time
g. Different types of views
h. Preparing for a slide show – animation schemes
i. Printing slides, handout and notes pages
Internet (1 Hour)
a. Introduction to Internet
b. Searching the web
c. Emailing
IT Basics (For Advanced Users)
(40 Hours)
Target Group: Constables, Head Constables and lower functionaries who are computer aware and have been using computers for their day to day working and who will be primary users of computers at Police Stations and Districts
Learning Objectives:
1. To develop practical IT motivation
2. To develop skills of data management
3. To have advanced working skill of MS Word, MS Excel and Databases
4. Simple trouble shooting techniques for data management
Instructional Methodology: Classroom lectures along with hands on
Computer Systems (2 Hours)
a. Introduction to storage devices (internal and external), SAN
b. Introduction to computer memory (Bits, Bytes, KB, GB etc.)
c. Introduction to different types of computers like Servers, Desktops etc
d. Introduction to physical security of computers
Application Areas (4 Hours)
a. Introduction to Police applications currently been used
b. Introduction to other public utility applications (example web enabled railway reservation, banking applications)
MS Word (2 Hours)
a. Mail Merge
b. Data interchange with MS Excel
c. Printing of labels, envelopes etc.
d. Preparing different types of document formats e.g. book, journals etc.
e. Converting MS Word to PDF and PDF to MS Word
MS Excel (6 Hours)
a. Creating a new worksheet
b. Opening an existing worksheet
c. Editing and Saving a worksheet
d. Creating, Renaming and Deleting worksheets in a workbook
e. Types of data (Numeric, text etc.)
f. Entering in a cell
g. Manipulation of a cell, row and column (deleting, inserting, finding, replacing, copying and moving)
h. Justifying in a cell, Merging cells and columns
i. Addition, Subtraction and using formula
j. Selecting Font and Font Sizes
k. Using and manipulating tables, inserting / deleting of rows and columns
l. Sorting Columns
m. Using Header and footer, Inserting Page number
n. Border and Shading of cells, rows and columns
o. Formatting page, margins, page size, portrait and landscape
p. Selecting area for printing, Printing of a worksheet and workbooks, Using print preview
q. Copy / moving text between two different worksheets and workbooks
r. Using Chart Wizard, Creation of different types of charts
s. Shortcuts for various activities in MS Excel
Database Management (6 Hours)
a. Introduction to databases and tables
b. Creation and Working and manipulation with simple tables in MS Access
c. Introduction to RDBMS and its difference with MS Access
d. Introduction to data storage, archival and retrieval
e. Taking backup and restoring using different media (Tape, CD/DVD and External Hard disks)
IT Basics (For Advanced Users)
(20 Hours)
Target Group: SI, Inspectors and Personal Staff who will be primary users of computers at Police Stations and Districts
Learning Objectives:
1. To develop practical IT motivation
2. To develop skills of data management
3. To have advanced working skill of MS Word, MS Excel and MS PowerPoint
4. Simple trouble shooting techniques for data management
Instructional Methodology: Classroom lectures along with hands on
Computer Systems (2 Hours)
a. Introduction to storage devices (internal and external), SAN
b. Introduction to computer memory (Bits, Bytes, KB, GB etc.)
c. Introduction to different types of computers like Servers, Desktops etc
d. Introduction to physical security of computers
Application Areas (4 Hours)
a. Introduction to Police applications currently been used
b. Introduction to other public utility applications (example web enabled railway reservation, banking applications)
MS Word (2 Hours)
a. Mail Merge
b. Data interchange with MS Excel
c. Printing of labels, envelopes etc.
d. Preparing different types of document formats e.g. book, journals etc.
e. Converting MS Word to PDF and PDF to MS Word
MS PowerPoint (6 Hours)
a. Creating a new presentation
b. Opening an existing presentation
c. Editing and Saving a presentation
d. Formatting Presentation – Slide layout, Slide Design, Slide background
e. Inserting symbols, chart, tables, pictures, videos and audios
f. Inserting page number, date and time
g. Copy and Paste from Word document and Excel worksheet
h. Different types of views
i. Preparing for a slide show – animation schemes
j. Printing slides, handout and notes pages
Database Management (6 Hours)
a. Introduction to databases and tables
b. Creation and Working and manipulation with simple tables in MS Access
c. Introduction to RDBMS and its difference with MS Access
d. Introduction to data storage, archival and retrieval
e. Taking backup and restoring using different media (Tape, CD/DVD and External Hard disks


Q1: Will CCTNS have functionality of Photograph matching?

Ans: The CCTNS application will not have functionality of photograph matching however photographs can be uploaded in the CCTNS application and afterward matched with the photograph available with the user.

Q2: CCTNS pilot run have functionality of multi linguistic?

Ans: CCTNS pilot application will have application in Hindi and in English.

Q3: What will be Size of each attachment in CCTNS ?

Ans: in CCTNS application, we have given the provision to upload 5 documents of 200KB each. However the size of the attachment can be changed during the state customization

Q4: What is the difference between CIPA and CCTNS?

Ans: The CCTNS application is networked application at State level with workflow as per the business rule.

Q5: How the configuration management of CTTNS application will be done ?

Ans: The configuration management after the rollout of the CCTNS application will be taken care by SI at each state level.

Q6: What will be data purging policy for CCTNS application?

Ans: The purging policy will be defined by each state as per provision of hardware for the smooth functioning of the CCTNS application.

Q7: What will be frequency and timing of Meta data flow from CAS state to CAS center in CCTNS application?

Ans: The frequency and timing of meta data flow to CAS center will be defined after analyzing the volume of data generated in each state every day. It will also depend upon the network connectivity and its bandwidth. However NCRB plan to use round robin method for data transfer.

Q8: How the synching of the legacy data with CCTNS application is done ?

Ans: The synching of the legacy data will be done based on architecture of each application. For CIPA and CCIS, NCRB is providing the data migration utility for data migration.

Q9: Is synchronization of data from CAS offline to CAS online is bidirectional?

Ans: Yes

Q10: How many persons will be trained in Police station?

Ans: SHO of police station along with all IO's will be trained in CCTNS application. NCRB expects that some of the other staff of police station is also trained to use the application as EO and station writer.

Q11: Who are the target audience for role based training in CCTNS application ?

Ans: SHO, all EO's, All IO's, Station Writer. Senior officers such as SP, SDPO, Circle inspectors are also supposed to understand this application.

Q12: Will Pilot data migrated to SDC ?

Ans: Yes

Q13: After STQC certification, the current CCTNS application will be discarded ?

Ans: After STQC certification, new version of the application will be deployed at SDC. However the Police station will remain un-impacted by this activity.

Q14: What are the steps for CAS deployment ?

Ans: The steps of CAS deployment is provided in a document released along with release of CAS application. The same can be downloaded from NCRB website using the credentials of Nodal Officer.



Crime & Criminal Tracking Network & Systems
Core Application Software
Frequently Asked Questions

1 Functional ...................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Services .................................................................................................................................. 3
1.1.1 Generic ........................................................................................................................... 5
1.1.2 Registration Services..................................................................................................... 8
1.1.3 Investigation Services ................................................................................................. 11
1.2 Master Data Management .................................................................................................. 14
2 Technical ..................................................................................................................................... 14
2.1 Operating System Support ................................................................................................. 14
2.2 Hardware Requirements ..................................................................................................... 14
2.3 Core Application Software .................................................................................................. 14
2.3.1 Documentation ............................................................................................................. 14
2.3.2 Design ........................................................................................................................... 14
2.3.3 Installations .................................................................................................................. 15
2.3.4 Code ............................................................................................................................. 21
2.3.5 Database ...................................................................................................................... 21
2.3.6 Dos & Don’t .................................................................................................................. 21
2.4 Data Migration Utility ........................................................................................................... 21
2.4.1 Data Digitization XLS................................................................................................... 21
3 Helpdesk ...................................................................................................................................... 22

1 Functional

1.1 Services

a) What are core functionalities being provided to the police station personnel?

i. Incident (like FIR, NCR, Missing Person, MLC etc) / complaint recording

ii. Daily data entry with regards to a case

iii. Receiving inputs / comments / suggestions from experts

iv. Preparation of case files for prosecution / courts

v. Advanced search & query

vi. Dashboard / things to do / tasks listing

vii. Alerts / messages

b) Will the data entry for the police increase, with so many new data fields being added?

No. The initial data entry would be just as much as they would traditionally do. Also going further with interfaces with other external systems, data validation and population would be enabled. Therefore, data from other government sources would add up to the case file; for which traditionally the police officer would have had to attach evidence such as ration cards, DVLA, passports, voter IDs etc.

c) What are security aspects being considered for safety of data theft / misuse by police officers themselves?

Each police officer shall be provided with a unique username and password to login to the system. In addition, all audit logs would be maintained by the system, therefore ensure appropriate login as well as view of information to each officer. Supervisory officers would be able to monitor the data being accessed by their juniors to maintain control.

d) Officers are in the field almost 16hrs a day. When will they find time to do data entry for their case. Also will the system allow to do back dated data entry?

The systems are programmed to capture time series of events, therefore it would be required to enter data ‘as and when it happens’. Given the human limitation, the system has been designed keeping this in view. Police personnel can select a specific form that they want to capture the information into and also select the time that the event occurred.

State CAS

a) What inputs have been considered while preparing the State CAS?

i. The following inputs were considered

1. 10 states visits
2. Cutting edge officers workshop
3. Recommendations from BPR (Business Process Re-engineering) document
4. Recommendations from PCR (Process Change Report) document
5. CRP – Conference Room Pilots

a. With state nodal officers
b. External agencies

6. FRS – Functional Requirement Specifications Review

a. 8 rounds of review with states
b. Specialist subject matter experts
c. External agencies

7. SRS – System requirement specifications Review

a. 8 rounds of review with states
b. Specialist subject matter experts
c. External agencies

8. CCC – CAS Core Committee Workshop
9. CTC – CAS Technical Committee workshop
10. DIT – Department of Information Technology

b) Are we thinking in the future or simply automating the existing processes?

Both. Although the base functionality of the CAS application is about automating the processes of the police station functioning within the state. It also uses advanced features such as reporting, alerting, dashboard, mobile enablement, integration with bio-metric devices and interfacing with intelligence databases such as UID, passport, immigration etc. to take a leap in the future with regards to information storage / retrieval.

c) How would states exchange data between them?

Data from a state would be stored in the SDC (state data centre), this would intern be connected to an SSDG (State Service Delivery Gateway), which would be linked to an NSDG (National Service Delivery Gateway). A service request to find out data from one state would be generated. It would travel from the police station to the SDC, to the SSDG, to the NSDG and onwards to the SSDG of the state (from which the data is being asked) and finally requesting the data from the second states’ SDC. The data would be populated and brought back through the same route.

d) Will the system be difficult to learn? And would need to be done for the older police officers?

Any new system requires appropriate training and capacity building. Initially it would also require technical staff to handhold the police officers in understanding and using the system. For this purpose, appropriate training and change management plan is put in place, as well as state SI’s would provide for technical staff to be present to help the police station officers.

Centre CAS

a) What is Centre CAS and why is it required? What features will it have?

Primary purpose for centre CAS will be to collate data from states and conduct analysis and analytics on data received to service specific information requests from police departments and other external intelligence agencies. Its features would include the following:

1. Advanced search and Query
2. Matching and Altering systems
3. Request routing / data exchange
4. Monitoring / Auditing data exchanges

b) Who will be able to use CAS centre?

All officers at the national level and external agencies requiring information

c) What in case the national data centre fails? What is the contingency planning?

Appropriate measures are taken into account for disaster recovery centres.

d) What kind of reporting is available?


i. All police station level periodic and adhoc reporting is covered
ii. Specific user specified queries are being covered
iii. Reports and registers from states studied were consulted in preparation
iv. State concurrence in SRS is taken into account

e) What kind of advance query is available?

i. Matching missing people with dead bodies recovered, MLC, apprehension / arrests
ii. Matching of missing / lost / stolen / recovered / found properties
iii. Matching of previous crimes / criminals in new cases with similar details
iv. Querying of details of crime – people, object, location and events

Citizen services


i. Petition requests
ii. Complaints
iii. Tracking of status’
iv. Data bank queries

1. Missing persons
2. Lost / stolen / abandoned property etc.

1.1.1 Generic

a) Will internet connection be required all the time?

No internet connection will never be required. You need the CCTNS network access for the first time to setup offline application. The offline module is made available for the police personnel, so that they can carry out their work unhindered and sync back up once the connectivity is available.

a) How can I access CCTNS CAS?

User should have valid username and password for accessing CCTNS CAS.

b) How can I get username and password?

Contact your System Administrator for username and password.

c) I forgot password, how can I get a new password?

User has to click ‘Forgot password’ link in login page and give answers to security questions.

d) I am transferred from different police station, how can I access CAS using my existing username and password?

System Administrator will modify user details in the application and you will be able to login.

e) I was working in online application, suddenly connection is lost. What I should do now?

In case online connection is lost, user has to switch to offline application to proceed with their work.

f) I have entered wrong details in a form, how can I clear all details in one go instead of clearing field wise?

Clear option is available in each page to reset fields to blank.

g) What is the type of folder structure required to save the scanned file?

Since files are saved in database, there is no mandate / recommendation on the folder structure.

h) What is the file format required to save the scanned file?

File formats allowed are mentioned in the application. Application will support .doc, .xls, .jpeg, .tiff, .png, .pdf

i) What could be the Maximum file Size that can be saved?

Maximum size of a file cannot exceed 200 KB and a maximum of 1 MB per upload.

j) Is there any file naming convention prior saving the files?

File naming convention to be as per State’s requirement.

k) I need to create a reminder for some tasks. How can I do that?

User can add any task or reminder in his/her dashboard through adding task option.

l) How can I view any state specific manuals?

Library option is provided for the user to view various documents

m) Can I save the work (FIR) in between while working?

Yes, you can save the FIR in between of the work by clicking the save button at the right bottom of the screen.

n) Some modules are missing in offline application

Only core modules are provided in offline application so that the basic working of police should not get interrupted if connection to online application is lost.

o) How I come to know my actions pending my attention, if I miss any alerts?

From My Task in dashboard, user can see the list of pending tasks.

p) Please explain function of roles and rights in CAS. Can DG view data for entire State

Following is a summary of roles and rights in CAS Application

a) CAS is role based application where multiple roles can be created based on requirements of State.
b) Multiple rights can be assigned to each role; each right corresponds to access for few screens/functionality in CAS Application
c) Any combination of rights can be assigned to specific role
d) Creation and updates of role can be done through Administration Module
DG can view crime and criminal information of the entire state. Other nominated officers can also be provided with such information via respective roles and rights.

q) There are many dropdown in CAS Application such as Modus Operandi which do not have exhaustive list of values.

The list for dropdown can be expanded from CAS Application Administration Module.

r) Can the print out of draft versions of the forms be taken?

Yes, a printout for draft version of form can be taken however a watermark would be added to the document with label as “Draft”. It is also recommended that printout for only final version of document be taken. Since one of the objective of CAS application is to create a paperless environment, taking printout of draft version should be discouraged. This would result in eco-friendly functioning of police department.

s) How long will the Offline application run when connectivity is not available?

CAS Offline Application contains limited functionality for critical police functions only. It can run only for a limited duration where connectivity is not available in the Police Station. As soon as connectivity is established, the system prevents the user from using the CAS Offline Application.

t) Will the system take the time stamping in the offline application? Will there be any administrative control over the time stamping

Yes, the administrative rights for the machines will be disabled for system at police stations. Any attempts to change the system time will be recorded and back dated records will be rejected during synchronization. The audit log for such case would also be maintained centrally.

u) What are the parameters on which search facility can be enabled? How will an accused with pseudo name be searched using the application?

The parameter on which search functionality is available varies for type of search, details of which can be obtained in SRS document, section – Reports on Cases and Criminals. Currently criminals can be searched with Alias Name and other parameters such as Name, Age and Physical Features etc.

v) When will be the specialized solution is part of the CAS application?

Specialized solution implementation will be included in second phase of the CCTNS project, timelines for which are yet to be defined.

1.1.2 Registration Services

a) In criminal case General diary type, state specific acts and sections are not coming?

Please contact system administrator to modify acts and sections master.

b) Can I use the GD of past date?

No. GD should be of current date only.

c) How to register a Complaint?

i. Police personnel can register complaint offline or online in Police station.
ii. Citizen can register complaint online through citizen portal.

d) I am registering FIR but State specific acts and sections are not coming in the drop down.

Please contact system administrator to modify acts and sections masters.

e) I want to link missing person with FIR. How can I do that?

While registering an FIR, user has option to link FIR to Missing person/Unidentified & Unnatural death/ Medico legal case registered.

f) I entered an accused detail in FIR but while investigation I came to know his real name and now want to edit details?

IO can update the details of accused in crime detail.

g) I am registering an FIR, but not sure about some details whether they are correct or not.

Interim save option is available to save half filled entries. User can open the registration page again and fill the incomplete data.

h) How can I see the format of FIR before submitting the form?

Preview option is there in the forms to view the details in prescribed formats

i) There are few places where certain field such as Arrest Date for absconder and relative name in Surrender Form have been made mandatory which should be made non mandatory as these are not available always at time of registration.

The mandatory flag on these fields would be removed and the required changes would be available in next version of CAS Application.

j) How to deal with Spot FIR/Plain Paper FIR registration

The following process needs to be adopter for registration of Spot/Plain Paper FIR.

a) Even going forward, the FIR that is recoded on the spot shall be done manually
b) Data entry for this FIR would be done in CAS Application once the SHO/ DO returns to police station
c) SHO would scan the original copy of the FIR that was registered on the spot and attach that to the FIR. Once the FIR is registered, the printout can be taken and handed over to complainant.

k) What is relevance of Witness and Complainant Information during Non Cognizable Offence, where Police can reject the investigation?

The Witness and Complainant Information are non mandatory fields and are only required to be filled where Police Official feel that the Non Cognizable Offence (NCR) is required to be converted to FIR for further Investigation.

l) During registration of lost property in CAS Application, a field for estimated value of lost property is mandatory. However there are many cases where no value for lost property can be provided for example document such as Passport or Certificates. How to register such case in CAS Application?

The registration of such cases can be done by putting the value “0” in the estimated value field.

m) System does not provide for capture of caste information in missing Person registration.

Field for capturing caste information for missing person is already available in CAS Application. The field is available under “Other information” tab within the registration form.

n) CAS does not allow scribe details to be captured for FIR

This would be available in next version of CAS Application.

o) System should provide for auto created GD every 2 hrs in case no GD is filed during the period

A provision for auto creation of GD would be provided in next version of CAS Application. The feature would be implemented in following way:
In case no activity has been done in Police Station for specified duration, alerts will be generated once user logs into the system. Once user confirms that no activity has been performed in specified duration, the system would create Automated GD Entries with “Nil” as its description.

p) How will SHO register the FIR when out of Police Station during law and order situation?

Following steps may be taken:

a) SHO can nominate a Police Official as In-charge(Duty Officer) during the time
b) All the rights for SHO would be delegated to the nominated user
c) The delegated user can now register the FIR on SHO’s behalf

q) Question 33: Can GD entry be reset on monthly basis in CAS Application

Currently this feature is not available in CAS Application. GD is reset on daily basis though the time of reset can be configured in the CAS Application. The feature for configurable periodicity for GD resetting will be available in next version of CAS Application. Through this feature a State will be able to configure the periodicity (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly etc).

r) Is it possible to link 2 FIR from different districts?

Yes, it is possible in CAS Online Application however the feature is not implementable in CAS Offline since data for only specific Police Station is kept on the CAS Offline Database Server.

s) Is it possible to reset counter for FIR and Charge sheet on yearly basis?

FIR Counter is reset on yearly basis however chargesheet is reset for each case (and not on periodicity).

t) There are lots of mandatory fields in property of interest. In most of the scenarios during registration of FIR, this information is not available for e.g. Chassis number, Engine number in case of Automobiles, no of pieces in currency. It is advisable that no information should be mandatory in property of interest during registration of FIR.

This is under discussion at NCRB and will be available in next version of CAS Application.

u) System does not allow entering arrest time before FIR Registration time; therefore user cannot submit the Arrest Memo. In cases where IO visit the scene of crime and arrest the person from scene and then tries to submit the Arrest Memo after submission of GD and FIR, the system does not allow to submit since the Arrest time(time when person was arrested on field) is less than FIR Registration Time (in Police Station).

This validation would be removed and feature will be available in next version of CAS Application.

1.1.3 Investigation Services

a) I have added some acts and sections while registering an FIR. How can I modify them after submitting?

User can do the modifications by Modification of Sections (Alteration Memo) module.

b) I want to add arrest memo before submitting crime detail. Is it possible to do so?

Yes, user can fill the arrest memo prior to crime detail

c) I want to add seizure memo before submitting crime detail. Is it possible to do so?

Yes, user can fill the arrest memo prior to crime detail

d) I have assigned an IO for a case but he got transferred. How can I re-assign the same case to another IO.

User can re-assign the case to another IO through "Re-Assignment of Case" module.

e) How can I see the previous case diary details?

Search & View option is available to view previously filled case diaries.

f) Can Witness or Accused Details be added in Final Form?

Currently all the details such as accused, witness information which is added to the crime details form is auto populated in the Final Form. In the current provision these details of witnesses/accused can be added in Crime Details Form which in turn will be auto populated in the Final Form. The feature to directly add these details in the final form will be available in next version of CAS Application.

g) In NCR, no provision for prosecution report is provided.

Following terminology is used in CAS for Non Cognizable Offence and Preventive Actions.

Additionally the CAS terminology and its mapping with State of Odisha is also mentioned below
 Preventive Action -Case where registration, investigation and prosecution is done for section 109 CRPC, 110CRPC, 151 CRPC etc, which deal with preventive acts. In State of Odisha, this is termed as NCR (Non Cognizable Register)
 Non Cognizable Report – Case related to Non Cognizable Offence where Police can refuse investigation. It should not be confused with NCR (Non Cognizable Register) in State of Odisha which are related to preventive actions. Prosecution report (For State of Odisha) is provided in CAS Application under “Preventive Action Section”

h) Is FIR/Preventive Action mandatory for Arrest

Yes, CAS Application provides Arrest Memo to be filled through FIR or preventive Action Registration. Once FIR or preventive Action registration is complete, the reference number can be used to register the Arrest Memo.

i) Is it possible for user to work on multiple screens simultaneously from same user Id. This is required in case where user would like to work on multiple cases together or may like to refer to other cases during Investigation. In these cases, user should be able to work on multiple functionalities and switch between them

Yes, User can work on multiple screens simultaneously where each screen/functionality. This can be done by opening multiple tabs in the browser for same user id and each tab can be used to work on different area/functionality in the CAS Application. However this would not be possible by opening multiple windows of the same or different browser.

j) Print Preview not available in Case Diary

This feature will be available in next version of CAS Release. Since Case diary formats are different for each State, a default format of case diary would be implemented which can be customized by State SI, if required.

k) In CAS Application, EO/IO has no privilege for Arrest Memo

Through CAS Application, IO can submit Arrest Memo for all the cases that are assigned to them. Alternatively an EO can also submit an Arrest Memo during preventive action case. However, CAS has provision where rights for a specific role such as EO or IO can be modified. The same can be done in CAS Administration Module via CAS Admin Module -> Modify User functionality.

l) CAS does not allow Case Diary to be filled by SHO.

SHO can fill the Case diary for all the cases that are assigned he has assigned to himself. As a supervisory officer for IO he can also provide inputs to the IO’s by using functionality “View Crime Digest and Add Instruction/Comment” of CAS. However these instructions will not be part of case diary. In case SHO wishes to update any case diary himself then he needs to change the IO of the case in the system and assign that case to themselves after which they would be able to make entries in the case diary.

m) In many cases, the action required in case diary runs in multiple pages while CAS has a character limitation on this field

The character limit for this will be increased to 8000 characters in next version of CAS Application. In case the details exceed this limit following steps could be done:
 Open a word document
 Record all the details in the document and save the document
 Add this document as attachment in the CAS Application under case diary.
Currently the provision for attachment is already available in the CAS Application which can be used for time being to register such cases.

n) Enquiry report cannot be seen after approval by SHO

This defect has already been reported by field users during testing. The defect is currently being fixed and will be available in next version of CAS Application.

o) Each of the final Form submitted is given a number 01. For a particular case, the first form submit on given day should be running sequence number from previous day while subsequent form on
particular day should be denoted as A,B, C and so on. It is desired that the case diary would be running sequence number on daily basis for e.g First day the case diary would be given 01 and subsequent case diary on same day would be made as 1A, 1B, 1C and so on. Next day the first case diary would be numbered as 02 and subsequent case diary on second day would be named as 2A, 2B, 2C and so on. In case a separate IO does the investigation and entries need to be made for day 1, then user would select the date and submit the case diary for that date and that would be named 1D

Currently in CAS Application, the first form submitted would be denoted 01 which means “ORIGINAL” while subsequent forms for the same case are denoted as 1A, 1B and so on which means these are “SUPPLEMENTARY” forms. The counter is reset to zero on daily basis which would be corrected and desired functionality would be available in next version of CAS Application.

p) How to fill daily case diary in case IO is out for 2-3 days for investigation

Following steps needs to be done:

a) The user would perform and record the Investigation for the case in the field.
b) User would write date wise data in the description field. However the date for submission of this data would be taken as current date of the system.
c) User would scan and upload the investigation done on field as an attachment in CAS Application.
Currently legal aspects of using scanned image in courts are under discussion post which necessary changes will be done in CAS Application (if required).

q) Save Button not present in IIF2 form

During investigation, for each information received and recorded, a new crime details form is submitted in CAS Application which in allotted a unique number. The details recorded in crime details forms are available in subsequent forms for editing. Since each time a new form is appended to the case feature of “Save“is not required in the IIF 2 form.

1.2 Master Data Management

a) For the configuration of police stations for the users, roles, access rights, ranges, zones and circles information’s etc, what type of data will provided and from where it can be fetched?

All the data related to the users, roles, access rights, ranges, zones and circles information’s would be in the CAS database master tables. User Interface screens has been provided in CAS State to manage the master data.

b) I am unable to see some masters in dropdown

Please contact system administrator to modify masters

2 Technical

2.1 Operating System Support

a) On which Fedora platform (variant, version etc.) does the CAS Offline has been tested?

It has been tested on Fedora-16-i686-Live-Desktop.

2.2 Hardware Requirements

a) Is it possible to use both spark & Intel servers as a hardware requirement?
Only Spark servers should be used.

b) What if one is facing problem in implementing Open SSO 8.0, LDAP 6.3 and Policy Agent 3.0 etc on one servers?
There is no problem in installing all of them in one server. Please make sure the servers are of adequate capacities. Installing of software’s is the responsibility of System Integrator for that particular state.

2.3 Core Application Software

2.3.1 Documentation

a) From where can we get the SRS, HLD, LLD and other related document?

All documentation is available on NCRB website under the Nodal Officer section. You need to get in touch with your State's Nodal Officer who can download these for you.

2.3.2 Design

a) When to use MVP & MVC patterns?

Normally MVC is used for web based applications where as MVP is for Forms based apps. In CAS, both are implemented.

b) For a sequence diagram request, when can one use Presenter and Controller?

This depends on the service functionality and is as per the functional requirement. The design is common for java and .NET platforms.

c) Where are logs files maintained? In Database or File system

Both, the logs are maintained in database and file system

d) Since the sync logs are maintained on server, what is the periodicity of Archival of these logs?

The server archival policy (database, logs, housekeeping etc) would be State specific Policy to be implemented by State SI.

e) Would there be one sync component for each state or can multiple sync components deployed for sharing of load

There is only one deployment for sync component for entire state.

f) What is the default resolution for screen

1024 * 768

2.3.3 Installations


a) How to install the CAS offline application?

Refer to the installation guide shared.

b) In installation CD for offline build, we get two directories ServerCCTNSApplication and ClientCCTNSApplication, what is the difference, and what should be used when?

The setup of a Police station will have only one machine having ServerCCCTNS application and any number of machines having ClientCCTNS application. All these system should be in Local LAN. The system which you want to enable as CCTNS offline server should have ServerCCTNS installed; all other machines should have ClientCCTNS application installed.

c) While installing ServerCCTNSApplication problem while installing MySQL, it fails to Start service/Apply security settings.

This happens if you have MySQL already installed in the machine, in this machine one should completely remove MySQL from the system (Program Files and Registry), and then try to install MySQL again.

d) While installing ServerCCTNSApplication or ClientCCTNSApplication, we get option to configure CAS State URL what is the significance of this.

CAS state URL is the address of the Online application deployed on state, this should be correctly configured while installing CAS offline (both client and server), if later changes are required to be done, it should be done in file (line starting with OnlineUrl) in application folder.

e) After installation of Offline application not getting icon on the desktop.

If you don’t get icon, you can create one using the following steps

Go to the application folder (generally C:\CCTNSApplication\CCTNSApplication), right click on the file CCTNS_Offline_Application.jar and select Send To, then click on Desktop (Create Shortcut) as shown below.

f) Error “Unable to connect with Database” when we try to open offline application.

This problem comes when you have wrong database settings, this can be checked/changed in the file (values for db.url, db.user, db.password needs to be checked/changed) in application folder.

g) Connectivity alert: “Connection available to CAS online, CAS offline will not be available”. Why does this occur?

This alert comes when one tries to open offline application but online application is available. Offline application should only be used when online application is not available (due to network or other reasons).

h) How user are created in offline application.

No user can be created in offline application, users can only be created in online application, and through Sync application the users are transferred to offline. So if one needs to create a user, it should be created in online application, later when Sync is done this user would be available in offline application.

i) Setup of offline application is done, what login credential would be used to login to offline system.

Users are created in online application; one should get the details of these users from the concerned person and start using application.

j) When tried to create a GD in online system, it says “Offline application not configured for this police station”, what does this mean?

This happens due to following reasons.

o Offline is not configured for this system: This configuration has to be done in order for the Police station to work.
o Offline system is configured but is down or not in network: This system should be up and running for the Police station to work.

k) Hindi login in offline system shows unrecognizable characters on the home page.

This happens due to incorrect installation of MySQL. This can be corrected by re-configuring the MySQL and cleaning the database. Care must be taken as all data would be cleaned when one tries to fix this. While re-configuring the following option highlighted in green, must be selected

l) How do I type characters in Hindi, when logged into offline system using Hindi login.

For this one has to enable settings for Hindi keyboard on the system, this can be done through Control Panel, in case of Windows 7 this is easy, but in Windows XP would require the Operating system CD.

m) Sometimes when you are logged in to offline system, and the system shuts down due to power cut, now if you try to login again with the same user, in offline, it will give you an error. “User already logged in”

This can be solved by contacting local CAS representative or by calling CAS helpdesk.

n) We get the error 'Unable to connect data base' after deploying the CAS application in Offline?

Avoid giving space after the user name, that’s the reason user is unable to connect.

o) What if one is getting invalid user message while logging into the application after installing CAS offline version?

Please ensure to run the create user utility; once it is done thereafter user will be able to login. MS Online

a) How to find the error log?

Go to the specified path: C: CCTNSLogErrorlog

b) How to configure the Database settings?

Firstly install the service application, if already installed then open it from (STARTCCTNSServices Application) Settings Fill all the details like DB server IP/Name, database name, user id and password. And press Test Connection. If Test Connection Succeeded then Save the Connection string, it will save as Xml file in C:\CCTNSConnection. Refer to Section 3.4.3 of CCTNS_CAS_MS_STACK Deployment

c) What is the location of Deployed Application?

Go to the specified path: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\CCTNSWeb

d) How to solve the issue “Test Connection Failed, Services will not start Please verify the connection string”?

This error occurs when the details entered in the CCTNSServices Application Settings is not proper and Test connection is failed. So that all the Services will not start until the connection string is not verified.
Please enter valid database credentials and check the connectivity with Database Server.

e) How to configure the Police Station for off-line CAS?

Choose the option of MySql in CCTNSServices Application and enter all the required information like State, Police Station and database credentials.

f) Dropdowns having no data for selection. This is the problem of caching. Please open the CCTNSServices Application and go to the setting form, there is a check box for Caching, Check it and press the Save configuration. And verify the database name in WebConfig file so that the caching will enable in this database:

<add key="DatabaseName" value="CCTNS_STATE_DB"/>

g) SQL Server Connection is not established So that State and Police station Data are not available.

Provided Database credentials are not correct. Please enter the valid credentials and press the Test Connection for checking the database connectivity.

h) Services are not start properly

Provided Database credentials are not correct. Please enter the valid credentials and press the Test Connection for checking the database connectivity.

i) Error : There is already a service running in the system at the specified port :8080

If user presses double click on the Services icon then if it displays the error like this that means the services are already running. Please go to the lower right side of the Taskbar, there is a small notify icon of services. You can open the services window from here also.

j) File Upload Server IP : < > is not found.

That errors shows that in the WebConfig File there is a Key name <add key="DBServerIP" value=""/> Please enter a valid file upload server IP address in value section.

k) Reports are not working.

Please verify the settings in the WebConfig file, like verify the username, password and Report Server IP address in these settings
<add key="UserName" value="administrator"></add>
<add key="Password" value="wipro@123"/>
<add key="ReportURL"value=""/>
<add key="ReportFileDownloadURL"

l) How to enable Out Proc session?

Refer to the Section 3.4.4 of CCTNS_CAS_MS_STACK Deployment

m) Error: cache dependency pooling (Yellow page error) at the time of login.

Verify the connection string parameters in the WebConfig file like DB Server name/IP, database name, user, password.

Also verify the settings in the WebConfig file :

<sqlCacheDependency enabled="true" pollTime="5000">
<!--Start Caching Related Setting-->
<add name="cctns_state_db_int" connectionStringName="conn"/>
<!--End Caching Related Setting-->

n) How to deploy reports for the application?

Refer to the Section 3.8 of CCTNS_CAS_MS_STACK Deployment

o) Error in process of creating an Active Directory User by the application.

Check the value of IsADExist in the WebConfig file : <add key="IsADExist" value="false"/> It must be true for creating users in Active Directory by the CAS application. And some more settings:

<add name="ADService" connectionString="LDAP://"/>
<add key="AdDomainName" value=""/>
<add key="DomainName" value=""/>
<add key="SAMAccountName" value="SAMAccountName"/>
<add key="maxInvalidPasswordAttempts" value="3"/>
<add key="passwordAttemptWindow" value="5"/>
<add key="PwdAge" value="60"/>

p) How to configure SSO with the CAS Application

Please configure the below given settings in the WebConfig file:
<add key="IsSSOEnable" value="false"/>
<add key="IsCitizenSSOEnabled" value="false"/>

q) Problem in communication of CAS Application and CCTNSServices Application.

Both the applications CAS and Services must be at the same system. If both the applications has successfully installed then verify the Binding and Endpoints of each/all services.

r) Problem in sending the mail from the application.

Please configure/verify the mail related settings in the WebConfig
<smtp from=" ">
<network host="host name" port="25" defaultCredentials="false"
userName="" password="xxx"/>

s) How to configure / Problem in Out proc session?

Please configure/verify the out proc related settings in the WebConfig file
<sessionState allowCustomSqlDatabase="true"
sessionIDManagerType="CustomSessionID, CCTNS.CAS.STATE.VIEW"

t) Problem with the offline database connectivity

Please verify the Sync related setting in WebConfig file
<add key="SyncOn" value="true"/>
Be sure it must be set to true, otherwise the online-offline database will not synchronized with each other.

u) How to configure the GD Reset Time?

Please verify the GD related setting in WebConfig file <add key="ResetTime" value="10:00AM"/>

v) Error/Problem in upload a document or Image or PDF or a Text file in the application.

Please verify the configuration settings in WebConfig file:
<add key="MaxFileSize" value="200"/>
<add key="MaxTotalFileSize" value="1024"/>
<add key="FileTypes" value="jpg,gif,doc,docx,pdf,txt"/>
<!--Start File Upload Setting-->
<httpRuntime executionTimeout="90" maxRequestLength="40960000"
<!--End File Upload Setting-->

w) Problem in Report opening, Chart Display on the home page or any Report related issue.
Please verify the configuration settings in WebConfig file:
<add name="ReportViewerWebControlHandler" preCondition="integratedMode"
type="Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.HttpHandler, Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"/>
<add name="ChartImg"
path="ChartImg.axd" type="System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting.ChartHttpHandler,
System.Web.DataVisualization, Version=, Culture=neutral,

2.3.4 Code

a) When can one get details for the services like method of signature, giving details of input and output parameters?

This will be available once the final code is published.

2.3.5 Database

a) What is the Significance of Record_Status field of database?

RECORD_STATUS is used to update the status of the record in the column.

2.3.6 Dos & Don’t

a) Is it possible to remove or add new mandatory field?

The mandatory fields cannot be added or removed at State level. These changes should be communicated to NCRB and changes if required will be done at NCRB.

2.4 Data Migration Utility

2.4.1 Data Digitization XLS

a) What is the Data Migration Utility and its Technology Frame work?

Data Migration Utility is developed to perform the following task.

i. Digitize the Manual data.
ii. Migrate the existing data from CCIS & CIPA database.
iii. It is developed on Java platform with MS SQL & MySql databases at the backend.

3 Helpdesk

a) Is there any online support available (Chat)?

Chat is not available for support. For all queries please send an email to or call on 1800119001.



Women Power line
Control Room

Control Room
Cyber Crime

Cyber Crime

Fire Brigade


Fire Brigade




Child Helpline


Child Hepline