Information Regarding change of RTI Fee NEW |
ONLINE RTI Application LINK |
प्रशिक्षण नीति एवं पाठ्यक्रम |
वी0एच0एफ0 रेडियो टेलीफोनी परिचालन मैन्युअल चुनाव हेतु पुलिस संचार प्रशिक्षण निर्देशिका Manual of Digital Mobile Radio उ०प्र० पुलिस रेडियो शाखा में समूह 'घ' संदेश वाहक के रिक्त पदों को भरे जाने हेतु विज्ञप्ति |
शुद्धि पत्र - उ०प्र० पुलिस रेडियो शाखा में समूह 'घ' संदेश वाहक के रिक्त पदों को भरे जाने हेतु विज्ञप्ति के क्रम में शुद्धि पत्र |
उ०प्र० पुलिस रेडियो शाखा में समूह 'घ' संदेश वाहक के रिक्त पदों के सापेक्ष प्रचलित नियुक्ति/भर्ती को तात्कालिक प्रभाव से अग्रिम आदेश तक स्थगित करने के सम्बन्ध में | |
1. Miscellaneous :- |
Confirmation List of HO/HO(M) Dtd 08-07-2021 |
List of HO/HO(M) Confirmation Stopped due to cases under consideration in Hon'ble Court |
Aadesh |
अति उत्कृष्ट/उत्कृष्ट सेवा पदक प्राप्त कर्मियों की सूची |
Confirmation List of AO Dtd 02/08/2019 |
Confirmation List of AO dtd 10.01.2019 |
Confirmation List of AO dtd 10.10.2018 |
Confirmation List of AO dtd 06.07.2018 |
उत्तर प्रदेश महिला पुलिस कर्मियों (अराजपत्रित) की वर्दी निर्धारण के सम्बन्ध में | |
News Letter- An introduction of Late C.P. Joshi |
Confirmation List of AO |
TDS Deduction |
Instructions Reg. Voter's Awareness under Sweep Plan |
Letter Reg. Deputation in the Bureau of Civil Aviation Security |
Issuance of Ordinary Passport to Government Servants |
Police Aacharan 2015 |
Letter Reg. Bhawan Nirman/Agrim |
Vision Document of U.P. Police Telecom Department |
Letter Reg. Govt. Building Construction |
Pension Welfare Cell |
2. Anudan Ka Avantan:- |
Anudan Ka Avantan Dtd 12.02.2018 |
Anudan Ka Avantan Dtd 24.02.2018 |
Anudan Ka Avantan Dtd 09.03.2018 |
Anudan Ka Avantan Dtd 13.03.2018 |
Anudan Ka Avantan Dtd 27.03.2018 |
Anudan Ka Avantan Dtd 28.03.2018 |
Anudan Ka Avantan Dtd 14.04.2018 |
Anudan Ka Avantan Dtd 14.05.2018 |
Anudan Ka Avantan Dtd 09.08.2018 |
Anudan Ka Avantan Dtd 04.09.2018 |
Anudan Ka Avantan Dtd 28.09.2018 |
Anudan Ka Avantan Dtd 28.09.2018 |
Anudan ka Avantan Dtd 31.10.2018 |
Anudan ka Avantan Dtd 24.12.2018 |
Anudan Ka Avantan Dtd 17.03.2019 |
Anudan Ka Avantan Dtd 17.03.2019 |
Anudan Ka Samarpan Dtd 17.03.2019 |
Anudan Ka Avantan Dtd 25.03.2019 |
Anudan Ka Avantan Dtd 25.03.2019 |
Anudan Ka Avantan Dtd 25.03.2019 |
Anudan Ka Avantan Dtd 25.03.2019 |
Anudan Ka Avantan Dtd 10.06.2019 |
Anudan Ka Avantan Dtd 17.09.2019 |
Anudan Ka Avantan Dtd 17.09.2019 |
Anudan Ka Avantan Dtd 18.10.2019 |
Anudan Ka Avantan Dtd 28.11.2019 |
Anudan Ka Avantan Dtd 20.12.2019 |
Anudan Ka Avantan Dtd 10.01.2020 |
Anudan Ka Avantan Dtd 10.01.2020 |
Anudan Ka Avantan Dtd 10.01.2020 |
Anudan Ka Avantan Dtd 24.02.2020 |
Anudan Ka Avantan Dtd 24.02.2020 |
A |
Anudan Ka Avantan Dtd 28-12-2020 |
Anudan Ka Avantan Dtd 29-01-2021 |
3. Niyamawali :- |
Uttar Pradesh Police Radio Adhinasth Sewa Niyamawali 1982 |
Uttar Pradesh Police Radio Adhinasth Sewa Niyamawali (First Amendment) 1998 |
Uttar Pradesh Police Radio Adhinasth Sewa Niyamawali (Second Amendment) 2005 |
Uttar Pradesh Police Radio Adhinasth Sewa Niyamawali (Second Amendment) 2015 |
Uttar Pradesh Police Radio Adhinasth Sewa Niyamawali, 2015 |
Uttar Pradesh Police Radio Adhinasth Sewa Niyamawali, (First Amendment) 2016 |
Uttar Pradesh Police Radio Adhinasth Sewa Niyamawali, (Second Amendment) 2016 |
Uttar Pradesh Police Radio Adhinasth Sewa Niyamawali, (Third Amendment) 2018 |
Uttar Pradesh Police Samooh 'Gha' Karmchari Sewa Niyamawali 2009 |
Uttar Pradesh Police Radio Adhinasth Sewa Niyamawali 2021 (Fourth Amendment) |
Uttar Pradesh Police Radio Adhinasth Sewa Niyamawali 12 May 2016(Third Amendent) NEW |
4. Allocation :- |
Allocation of Radio Personnel |
5. Seniority List :- |
Seniority List of ARO 12-07-2023 NEW |
Final Seniority List of WH as on 31.07.2024 NEW |
Final Seniority List of AO as on 20.08.2024 |
Final Seniority List of Mess./OP on 13.08.2024 New |
Final Seniority List of HOM/HO as on 15.07.2024 NEW |
Final Seniority List of Radio Sub Inspectors as on 15.07.2024 NEW |
Final Seniority List of Radio Inspectors as on 01.07.2024 NEW |
Final Seniority List of Radio Inspectors as on 10.07.2023 NEW |
Final Seniority List of Radio Sub Inspectors on 09.07.2023 NEW |
Final Seniority List Of HOM/HO as on 15.07.2023 NEW |
Final Seniority List of Assistant Operators on 01.07.2023 NEW |
Final Seniority List Of W/H as on 15-07-2023 NEW |
Final Seniority List of Messengers and other IVth Class Employees 15-7-2023 NEW |
Seniority List of W/H as on 01.09.2022  |
Final Seniority List of HO/HO(M) as on 31.08.2022  |
Final Seniority List of A.O, as on 01-07-2022 |
Final Seniority List of R.S.I. as on 15-07-2022 |
Final Seniority List of Radio Inspectors as on 15-07-2022 |
Final Seniority List of Messengers and Other IVth Class Employees |
Final Seniority List of R.S.I. as on 10-07-2021 |
Final Seniority List of R.I. as on 01-07-2021 |
Final Seniority List of HO/HO(M) as on 05-07-2021 |
Final Seniority List of Assistant Operators as on 05-07-2021 |
Final Seniority List of Radio Inspectors as on 10.10.2020 |
Final Seniority List AO to HO/HOM 10-07-2020 |
Final Seniority List RSI 07-07-2020 |
Final Seniority List of HO/HOM 06-07-2020 |
Tentative Seniority List of Assistant Operators as on 10-06-2020 |
Final Seniority List of Assistant Operators as on 01.07.2019 |
Final Seniority List of HO/HOM as on 15.07.2019 |
Interim Seniority List of HO/ HOM |
Final Seniority List of Radio Sub Inspectors as on 03.07.2018 |
Final Seniority List of Head Operators(M)/Head Operators as on 03.07.2018 |
Tentative Seniority List of Head Operators(M)/Head Operators as on 01.06.2018 |
Seniority List of Radio Sub Inspectors as on 10.07.2019 |
Seniority List of Radio Inspectors as on 01.01.2018 |
Seniority List of Head Operators(M)/Head Operators as on 01.01.2018 |
Tentative Seniority List of Radio Inspectors as on 01.04.2017 |
Final Seniority List of Radio Inspectors as on 01.11.2015 |
Final Seniority List of Radio Sub Inspectors as on 01.01.2016 |
Objections and settlement of Radio Sub Inspectors as on 15.12.2015 |
Final Seniority List of Head Operators(M)/Head Operators as on 01.07.2017 |
Final Seniority List of Head Operators(M)/Head Operators as on 01.11.2015 |
Final Seniority List of Assistant Operator according dtd 15.11.1997 |
Final Seniority List of Assistant Operators as on 01.12.2015 |
Final Seniority List of Assistant Operators as on 01.07.2017 |
Final Seniority List of Assistant Operators as on 01.07.2018 |
Tentative Seniority List of Assistant Operators As on 25.05.2018 |
Tentative Seniority List of Assistant Operators As on 10.06.2019 |
Final Seniority List of Fourth Class Employees as on 28.11.2015 |
Correction in qualification of Fourth Class Employees on Sr No. 134,419 & 449 in Final Seniority List |
6. Leaves, LTC & Allowances etc. :- |
Personal Pay for Family Planning |
Child Care Leave |
Study Leave |
Leave Travel Concession (LTC) |
Uniform Allowance |
Allowances |
Disposal of Application of Employees for posting outside the parent department (Deputation) |
7. Medical Reimbursement :- |
Medical Reimbursement |
Cashless Medical Facility |
Cashless Facility for Police Personnels/Retd. Police Personnels in SGPGI Lucknow |
8. Education :- |
Permission for Higher Education |
Letter Reg. free online Educational support to children of Police Personnels. |
Shiksha Nidhi se Arthik Sahayta ke Sambandh mein.  |
9. ACP :- |
ACP (Assured Career Progression) |
ACP (Assured Career Progression) according 7th Pay Commission |
10. Mritak Ashrit :- |
पुलिस विभाग में मृत पुलिस कर्मियों के आश्रितों के सेवायोजन के सम्बन्ध में विस्तृत आदेश | |
श्री अनिल कुमार शुक्ल का सन्देश वाहक के पद पर नियुक्ति |
मृतक आश्रित के रूप में सेवायोजन प्रदान किये जाने हेतु निर्धारित प्रारूप में सूचना उपलब्ध कराये जाने के सम्बन्ध में | |
Recruitment of dependant of Govt. Servants dying in harness (Mritak Ashrit) |
Financial Support from U.P. Anukampa Nidhi for Dependent of GOVT. Employees died Onduty |
11. Bonus :- |
List of Radio Personnel who are not entitle for Bonus in the Year 2016-2017 |
12. Retirement :- |
List of Radio Personnel who are getting retirement in the Year 2014 |
List of Radio Personnel who are getting retirement in the Year 2015 |
List of Radio Personnel who are getting retirement in the Year 2016 |
List of Radio Personnel who are getting retirement in the Year 2017 |
List of Radio Personnel who are getting retirement in the Year 2018 |
List of Radio Personnel who are getting Retirement in the Year 2019 |
List of Radio Personnel who are getting Retiement in the Year 2020 |
Missing Name of Sri Ram Kishor Yadav, ARO MTA in Retirement List Year 2019 |
List of Radio Personnel who are getting Retirement in the year 2021 |
List of Radio Personnel who are getting Retirement in the Year 2022 |
List of Radio Personnel who are getting Retirement in the Year 2023  |
List Of Radio Personal Who are getting Retirement in the Year 2023 NEW |
List of Radio Personal Who are Getting Retirement in the Year 2024 NEW |
List of Radio Personal Who are Getting Retirement in the Year 2025 NEW |
List of Radio Personal who are Getting Retirement in the Year 2025 NEW |
13. Promotion List :- |
PROMOTION OF HO/HOM Rajesh Singh to RSI dtd 02-01-2025 NEW |
Promotion list of HO/HOM To RSI 01-01-2025 NEW |
Promotion list of MSG TO W/H 01-01-2025 NEW |
Promotion list of HO/HOM TO RSI Dtd 04-12-2024 NEW |
Promotion list of of MSG to Workshophand Dtd05-12-2024 NEW |
Promotion list of MSG TO Workshophand Dtd 06-11-2024 NEW |
Promotion list of MSG To Workshophand Dtd 07-10-2024 New |
Promotion list of HO/HOM TO RSI DTD 06-11-2024 NEW |
Promotion list of HO/HOM TO RSI DTD 07-10-2024 |
Promotion list of HOM/HO TO Rsi 19-11-2024 NEW |
Promotion list of HOM/HO TO Rsi 05-09-2024 |
Promotion list of Hom/3833 Rakesh singh to Rsi Dtd 29-08-2024 |
Promotion list of RSI to RI Dtd 06-11-2024 NEW |
Promotion list of Rsi to Ri Dtd 20-07-2024 NEW |
Promotion list of RSI to RI DTD 01-08-2024 NEW |
Promotion List of W/H To AO Dtd 29-07-2024 NEW |
Promotion list of AO to HO dtd 01.05.2017 |
Promotion list of HO |
Promotion list of HO to RSI |
Promotion list of Workshop Hand to AO |
Promotion list of AO to HO |
Promotion list of RSI to RI |
Promotion list of AO to HO |
Corrigendum Regarding AO to HO Promotion list |
Promotion list of RSI to RI Date 05.09.2017 |
Promotion List of HO to RSI Date 03.09.2017 |
Promotion List of HO to RSI Date 23.02.2018 |
Promotion List of HO to RSI Date 01.03.2018 |
Promotion List of HO to RSI Date 01.04.2018 |
Promotion List of HO to RSI Date 01.06.2018 |
Promotion List of HO/HOM to RSI Date 02/07/2018 |
Promotion List of RSI to RI Date 04/09/2018 |
Promotion List of HO/HOM to RSI Date 04/09/2018 |
Promotion List of AO to HO/HO(M) Date 08/09/2018 |
Promotion List of WH to AO Date 08/09/2018 |
Promotion List of HO/HOM to RSI Date 01/10/2018 |
Promotion List of HO/HOM to RSI Date 01/11/2018 |
Promotion List of HO/HOM to RSI Date 03/12/2018 |
Promotion List of HO/HOM to RSI Date 01/01/2019 |
Promotion List of RSI to RI Date 01/01/201 |
Promotion List of HO to RSI Date 03/01/2019 |
Promotion List of HO/HOM to RSI Date 01/02/2019 |
Promotion List of RSI to RI Date 01/02/2019 |
Promotion List of AO to HO/HOM Date 19/02/2019 |
Promotion List of HO/HOM to RSI Date 01/03/2019
Promotion List of HO/HOM to RSI Date 27/05/2019 |
Promotion List of HO/HOM to RSI Date 01/06/2019 |
Promotion of AO/5807 Pramod Kumar |
Promotion of RSI to RI Sri Anil Kumar |
Promotion of AO/5890 Devendra Kumar Singh |
Promotion List of HO/HOM to RSI Date 03/01/2020 |
Promotion List of HO/HOM to RSI Date 01/02/2020 |
Promotion List of AO to HO/HOM Date 04-02-2020 |
Promotion of AO/5652 Mukesh Kumar |
Promotion of HO/HOM to RSI Date 01-03-2020 |
Promotion of AO TO HO/HOM Date 04-03-2020 |
Promotion of HO to RSI Date 01-05-2020 |
Promotion of AO to HO/HOM Date 04-05-2020 |
Promoton of HO/HOM to RSI Date 01-06-2020 |
Promotion of AO to HO/HOM Date 02-06-2020 |
Promotion of HO/HOM to RSI Sri Amar Bahadur Ambedkar Date 01-07-2020 |
Promotion of HO/HOM to RSI Date 01-07-2020 |
Promotion of AO to HO/HOM dated 02-07-2020 |
Promotion of HO/HOM to RSI Date 13-11-2020 |
Promotion of W/H to AO Date 13-11-2020 |
Promotion of AO to HO/HOM Date 14-11-2020 |
Promotion of Sri Indra Pal Singh from HO to RSI |
Promotion of HO/HOM to RSI Date 01-02-2020 |
Promotion of AO to HO Date 03-12-2020 |
Promotion of HO TO RSI Dtd 01-01-2021 |
Promotion of AO to HO DTD 01-01-2021 |
Promotion of HO to RSI DTD 01-02-2021 |
Promotion of HO to RSI DTD 01-03-2021 |
Promotion of HO to RSI DTD 05-05-2021 |
Promotion of HO/ to RSI Dtd June 2021 |
Promotion of HO to RSI July 01-07-2021 |
Promotion of HO to RSI July 01-07-2021 |
Promotion of W/H to AO to Sri Ratnesh Kumar Pandey |
Promotion of RSI to RI Dtd 15-11-2021 |
Promotion of Fourth Class to W/H Dtd 09-12-2021 |
Promotion of AO to HO/HOM Dtd 10-12-2021 |
Promotion of HO/HOM to RSI Dtd 22-12-2021 |
Aadesh Dtd 22-12-2021 |
Promotion of HO/HOM to RSI Dtd 01-01-2022 |
Promotion of RSI to RI Dtd 16-03-2022 |
Promotion of HO/HOM to RSI Dtd 16-03-2022 |
Promotion of HO/HOM to RSI Dtd 01-04-2022 |
Promotion of HO/HOM to RSI Dtd 02-05-2022 |
Promotion of HO/HOMto RSI Dtd 03-06-2022 |
Adesh Dtd 29-06-2022 |
Adesh Dtd 29-06-2022 |
Promotion List of HO/HOM to RSI Dtd 01-07-2022 |
Sthanapann Padonnati from HO to RSI to Tufail Waris Khan |
Promotion of HO to RSI Dtd 20-08-2022 |
Promotion of AO to HO Dtd 20-08-2022 |
Promotion of Deepak Kumar Srivastava from HO to RSI Dtd 20-08-2022 |
Promotion of MP to W/H Dtd 26-08-2022  |
Promotion of HO/HOM to RSI Dtd 02-09-2022 |
Promotion of HO/HOM to RSI Dtd 21-10-2022 |
Promotion of HO/HOM to RSI dtd 21-11-2022 |
Promotion of RSI to RI DTD 21-11-2022 |
Promotion of RSI to RI DTD 04-03-2023 |
Promotion of RSI to RI DTD 28-10-2023 NEW |
Promotion of RSI to RI DTD 01-12-2023 NEW |
Promotion of HO/HOM to RSI DTD 30-10-2023 |
Promotion of HO/HOM to RSI DTD 02-11-2023 |
Promotion of HO/HOM to RSI DTD 01-12-2023 |
Promotion of HO/HOM to RSI DTD01-06-2024 NEW |
Promotion of HO/HOM to RSI DTD 30-05-2024 |
Promotion of HOM/3768 Ajaiya kumar mishra HOM to RSI ORDER NO. P-985/2023 DTD 22/05/2024 |
Promotion of HO/HOM to RSI DTD 04-03-2024 |
Promotion of HO/HOM to RSI DTD 02-02-2024 |
Promotion of HO/HOM to RSI DTD 02-01-2024 |
Promotion of AO to HO DTD 28-10-2023 |
Promotion of W/H to AO DTD 28-10-2023 NEW |
Promotion of MSG to W/H DTD 28-10-2023 NEW |
Promotion of MSG to W/H DTD 02-11-2023 NEW |
Promotion of Ho to Rsi DTD 04-03-2023 |
Promotion of MSG to W/H DTD 04-03-2023 |
PROMOTION OF MSG to W/H DTD 01-06-2023 |
PROMOTION OF HO to RSI DTD 08.06.2023 |
Promotion of HO/HOM to RSI dtd 04-07-2023 |
PROMOTION OF HO/HOM to RSI dtd 01-07-2024 NEW |
Promotion of MSG to W/H dtd 04-07-2023 |
Promotion of MSG to W/H dtd 04-01-2024 |
Promotion of MSG to W/H DTD 01-06-2024 NEW |
Promotion of MSG Gaya prasad maurya to W/H dtd 02-07-2024 NEW |
14. Transfer List :- |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 16.10.2019) |
Aadesh Dtd 22-08-2019 |
Aadesh |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 19.02.2018) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 28.07.2017 & 29.07.2017) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 27.07.2017 & 28.07.2017) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 25.07.2017) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 20.07.2017) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 14.07.2017) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 11.07.2017 & 12.07.2017) |
Transfer/Modification Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 22.06.2017 TO 07.07.2017) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 20.06.2017) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 19.06.2017) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 07.06.2017 & 08.06.2017) |
Transfer/Modification Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 27.05.2017) |
Transfer/Modification Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 25.05.2017) |
Transfer/Modification Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 22.05.2017 & 23.05.2017) |
Transfer/Modification Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 19.05.2017 & 20.05.2017) |
Transfer/Modification Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 18.05.2017) |
Transfer/Modification Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 16.05.2017 & 17.05.2017) |
Transfer/Modification Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 15.05.2017) |
Transfer/Modification Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 14.05.2017) |
Transfer/Modification Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 09.05.2017) |
Transfer/Modification Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 08.05.2017) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 06.05.2017) |
Transfer/Modification Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 04.05.2017) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 04.05.2017) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 03.05.2017) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 28.04.2017 & 29.04.2017) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 27.04.2017) |
Attachment Order of Radio Personnel for UP-100 (Date 25.04.2017) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 21.04.2017) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 17.03.2016) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 11.03.2016) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 03.03.2016) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 01.02.2016) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 29.01.2016) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 28.01.2016) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 25.01.2016) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 19.01.2016) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 19.01.2016) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 18.01.2016) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 15.01.2016) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 11.01.2016) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 21.01.2015) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 28.01.2015) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 28.01.2015) |
Transfer Order of Assistant Radio Officers (Transfer Date 04.02.2015) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 05.02.2015) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 12.02.2015) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 18.02.2015) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 20.02.2015) |
Transfer Order of HO/ Balram Maurya (Transfer Date 20.02.2015) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 26.02.2015) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 25.03.2015) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 26.03.2015) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 27.03.2015) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 31.03.2015) |
Transfer Order cancelled of Radio Personnel (Date 31.03.2015) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 02.04.2015) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 06.04.2015) |
Order regarding relieving of HCMT Upendra Nath singh (Order Date 08.04.2015) |
Attachment Order of AO/1207 Avneesh Kumar (Order Date 11.04.2015) |
Attachment Order of AO/6024 Dhirendra Pratap Singh (Order Date 17.04.2015) |
Attachment Order of HO/1206 Deepak Kumar Shrivastava (Order Date 21.05.2015) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 30.05.2015) |
Cancellation transfer order of RSI Phool Singh (Date 30.05.2015) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 02.06.2015) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 05.06.2015) |
Attachment Order of Sandesh Wahak Shahid Jamal (Order Date 08.06.2015) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 09.06.2015) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 13.06.2015) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 16.06.2015) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 19.06.2015) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 23.06.2015) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 25.06.2015) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 30.06.2015) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 15.07.2015) |
Transfer Postpone of Radio Personnel (Date 15.07.2015) |
Transfer Postponed of Radio Personnel (Date 22.07.2015) |
Transfer Cancelled of Radio Personnel (Date 22.07.2015) |
Transfer Postponed of Radio Personnel (Date 27.07.2015) |
Attachment Order of HO/4046 Awdhesh Yadav (Order Date 27.07.2015) |
Transfer Postponed of Radio Personnel (Date 30.07.2015) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 10.08.2015) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 11.08.2015) |
Transfer Cancelled of Radio Personnel (Date 19.08.2015) |
Transfer Order of Radio Personnel (Transfer Date 02.09.2015) |
15. Demotion List :- |
Demotion Order of Radio Personnel (Date : 04.09.2015) |
Demotion Order of Radio Personnel (Date : 05.09.2015) |
Demotion Order of Radio Personnel (Date : 09.09.2015) |
16. RTI :- RTI available on RTI Page |
17. PSP :- |
1- Nomination |
2- Accidental Insurance |
3- PSP for State Govt Employees |
18. चिकित्सा प्रतिपूर्ति के बिल आहरित करने हेतु सूची मई 2022 |
19. सामान्य यात्रा भत्ता के बिल आहरित करने हेतु सूची मई 2022 |
20. चिकित्सा प्रतिपूर्ति व सामान्य यात्रा भत्ता के बिल आहरित करने हेतु अनुदान आवंटन आदेश मई 2022 |
21. 05 स्थानांतरण यात्रा भत्ता के बिल आहरित करने हेतु सूची मई 2021 |
22. 05 स्थानांतरण यात्रा भत्ता के बिल आहरित करने हेतु अनुदान आवंटन दिनांक 18-05-2022 |
23. 05 स्थानान्तरण यात्रा भत्ता के लम्बित बिलों की सूची |
24. 49 चिकित्सा प्रतिपूर्ति के लम्बित बिलों की सूची |
25. 05- ट्रांसफर टीए के बिल आहरित करने के लिए सूची AUG 202 |
26. 04- टीए के बिल आहरित करने के लिए सूची AUG 2022 |
27. 49- चिकित्सा प्रतिपूर्ति के बिल आहरित करने के लिए सूची AUG 2022 |
28. अनुदान आवंटन की प्रति AUG 2022 |
29. 05 स्थानांतरण यात्रा भत्ता आहरित करने की सूची।  |
30. 49 चिकित्सा प्रतिपूर्ति के बिल आहरित करने की सूची। |
31. अनुदान आवंटन की प्रति। |
32. रेडियो मुख्यालय में लम्बित 04-यात्रा भत्ता बिलाे की सूची |
33. रेडियो मुख्यालय में लम्बित 44-प्रशिक्षण यात्रा भत्ता बिलाे की सूची |
34. 49 चिकित्सा प्रतिपूर्ति के बिल आहरित करने की सूची। |
35.अनुदान आवंटन की प्रति। |
36अनुदान आवंटन की प्रति।. |
37.05 स्थानांतरण यात्रा भत्ता आहरित करने की सूची। |
38.04-सामान्य यात्रा भत्ता बिल की सूची |
39 अनुदान आवंटन की प्रति  |
40. 49-चिकित्सा प्रतिपूर्ति आहरित करने की सूची |
41 49-चिकित्सा प्रतिपूर्ति लम्बित बिलो की सूची |
42. 04- सामान्य यात्रा भत्ता के लम्बित बिलो की सूची |
43.05-स्थानान्तरण यात्रा भत्ता के लम्बित बिलो की सूची |
44. चिकित्सा प्रतिपूर्ति के लम्बित बिलों की सूची |
45.04 सामान्य यात्रा भत्ता के लम्बित बिलो की सूची |
46.05 स्थानान्तरण यात्रा भत्ता के लम्बित बिलो की सूची |
47 .अनुदान आवटन की प्रति |
48 .अनुदान आवटन की प्रति |
49.04-सामान्य यात्रा भत्ता के बिलो को भरने के लिये लिंक |
50.05 स्थानान्तरण यात्रा भत्ता के बिलो को भरने के लिये लिंक |
51.44- प्रशिक्षण यात्रा भत्ता के बिलो को भरने के लिये लिंक |
52.49-चिकित्सा प्रतिपूर्ति के बिलों को भरने के लिये लिंक |
53 04-सामान्य या़़़त्रा भत्ता की लम्बित बिलो की सुची |
54.49-चिकित्सा प्रतिपुर्ति की लम्बित बिलो की सूची |
55.44-प्रशिक्षण यात्रा भत्ता के लम्बित बिलों की सूची new |
56.05-स्थानान्तरण यात्रा भत्ता के लम्बित बिलो की सूची |
57.49चिकित्सा प्रतिपूर्ती भत्ता के बिल आहरित करने की सूची NEW |
58.44-प्रशिक्षण यात्रा भत्ता के बिल आहरित करने की सूची NEW |
59.05 स्था0 यात्रा भत्ता के बिल आहरित करने की सूची NEW |
60 04-सामान्य यात्रा भत्ता के बिल आहरित करने की सूची NEW |
61 अनुदान आवंटन दिनांकित 09.05.2023 NEW |
62 वर्क इफीसिएन्सी डाटा बेस तैयार करने हेतु गुगल फार्म NEW |
63 अनुदान आवंटन की सूची DTD 12/10/2023 NEW |
64 TA 04 -सामान्य यात्रा भत्ता बिलो की लंबित सूची DTD 12/10/2023 NEW |
65 05-स्थानान्तरण यात्रा भत्ता बिलो की लंबित सूची DTD 12/10/2023 NEW |
66 49- चिकित्सा प्रतिपूर्ति बिलो की लंबित सूची DTD 12/10/2023 NEW |
67 001-RHQ-23 DATE 28-07-2023 44 -प्रशिक्षण यात्रा भत्ता NEW |
68 समस्त जनपद/वाहिनीं से जनपद/इकाईयों में वर्तमान माह में पदवार जितने कर्मियों का वेतन आहरित किया जायेगा /बनेगा, के सम्बन्ध में सूचना गूगल फार्म NEW DTD 10-08-2023 |
69- अनुदान आवंटन दिनंकितः 22.12.2023 की प्रति |
70- 04-यात्रा भत्ता के बिल आहरित करने हेतु सूची |
71- 05-स्थानान्तरण यात्रा भत्ता के बिल आहरित करने हेतू सूची |
72 - 49-चिकित्सा प्रतिपूर्ति भत्ता के बिल आहरित करने हेतु सूची |
73- 04-सामान्य यात्रा भत्ता लम्बित बिलो की सूची |
74- 05-स्थनान्तरण यात्रा भत्ता लम्बित बिलो की सूची |
75- अनुदान आवंटन दिनांकित 21.02.2024 की प्रति
76-04- यात्रा भत्ता के बिल आहरित करने हेतु सूची |
77-49-चिकित्सा प्रतिपिर्त भत्ता के बिल आहरित करने हेतु सूची |
78-04-यात्रा भत्ता के लम्बित बिलो की सूची |
79-49-चिकित्सा प्रतिपिर्त भत्ता के लम्बित बिलो की सूची |
80 -45-अवकाश यात्रा भत्ता के लंबित बिलो को भरने के लिए गूगल फॉर्म |
81 अनुदान आवंटन दिनांकित 22.03.2024 की प्रति |
82 05-स्थानान्तरण यात्रा भत्ता के बिल आहरित करने हेतू सूची |
83-45-अवकाश यात्रा भत्ता के बिल आहरित करने हेतू सूची |
84 -49 चिकित्सा प्रतिपूर्ति के अनुदान आहरित करने हेतु लंबित सूची |
85-44 - प्रशिक्षण या़त्रा भत्ता के आहरित किये जाने वाले बिलो की सूची |
86- 49-चिकित्सा प्रतिपूर्ति भत्ता के बिल आहरित करने हेतु सूची। |
87- 44-प्रशिक्षण यात्रा भत्ता के बिल आहरित करने हेतु सूची। |
88- 04- यात्रा भत्ता के बिल आहरित करने हेतु सूची । |
89 - 05-स्थानान्तरण यात्रा भत्ता के बिल आहरित करने हेतु सूची । |
90- 04-सामान्य यात्रा भत्ता के दिनांकः 31.07.2024 के अनुसार निम्नां कत बिल भुगतान हेतु लम्बित |
91 05- स्थानान्तरण यात्रा भत्ता के दिनांकः 31.05.2024 के अनुसार निम्नांिकत बिल भुगतान हेतु लम्बित |
92 44- प्रशिक्षण यात्रा भत्ता के दिनाकं : 31.05.2024 के अनुसार निम्नांकित बिल भुगतान हेतु लम्बित
93- 04- यात्रा भत्ता के बिल आहरित करने हेतु सूची । |
94-04- यात्रा भत्ता ( चुनाव) के लम्बित बिलों की सूची। |
95 - 04 सामान्य यात्रा भत्ता के लंबित बिलों की सूची। NEW |
96 05 .स्थानान्तरण यात्रा भत्ता के आहरित बिल की सूची
97 -05 स्थानान्तरण यात्रा भत्ता अनुसार निम्नाकित बिल भगुतान हेतु लम्बित हैं।
98 -04- सामान्य यात्रा भत्ता के हेतु लम्बित बिलो की सूची |
99 44 प्रशिक्षण यात्रा भत्ता के लम्बित बिलों की सूची |
100 49 चिक्तिसा प्रतिपूर्ति भत्ता मद के लम्बित बिलों की सूची |
101-49-चिकित्सा प्रतिपूर्ति भत्ता के बिल आहरित करने हेतु सूची।
102-44-प्रशिक्षण यात्रा भत्ता के बिल आहरित करने हेतु सूची।
103-04-यात्रा भत्ता के बिल आहरित करने हेतु सूची।
104-05- स्थानान्तरण यात्रा भत्ता के बिल आहरित करने हेतु सूची।
105-04-यात्रा भत्ता (चुनाव) के बिल आहरित करने हेतु सूची।
106-49-चिकित्सा प्रतिपूर्ति भत्ता के लम्बित बिलों की सूची। |
107-44-प्रशिक्षण यात्रा भत्ता के लम्बित बिलों की सूची। |
108-04-यात्रा भत्ता के लम्बित बिलों की सूची। |
109-04-यात्रा भत्ता (चुनाव) के लम्बित बिलों की सूची। |
110 05-स्थानन्तरण यात्रा भत्ता के लम्बित बिल की सूची |
111 44 प्रशिक्षण यात्रा भत्ता मद मंे उपल्धब लम्बित बिलों सेे 44 प्रशिक्षण यात्रा भत्ता कुम्भ मे आहरित की जाने वाली सूची |
112 44- प्रशिक्षण यात्रा भत्ता के निम्नांकित बिल भुगतान हेतु लम्बित हैं |
113 -04-सामान्य यात्रा भत्ता (कुम्भ) के लम्बित बिलों को उपल्बध अनुदान के सापेक्ष आहरित करने हेतु सूची |
114 04.सामान्य यात्रा भत्ता (कुम्भ) के लम्बित बिलों को आहरित करने हेतु सूची |