Training Directorate

Tower-1 First & Second Floor
Police Bhawan (Signature Building)
Gomti Nagar Extension, Lucknow-02
Fax : 0522-2724034, Ph: 0522 2724035, CUG: 9454402534
Email : training@nic.in Facebook X-@UPPoliceTrgHQ
Information for the Public under Right to Information Act

To inculcate
- Professionalism
- Sense of social service
- Capability towards positive change
In 1901 Police Training College Moradabad was established in order to impart knowledge related to Traffic, Investigation and other training related to police work. In 1934 R.H. Williamson Committee, advised to upgrade the Training college and to create another Police Training School in Moradabad for Non- Gazetted officials.
Later on, on the recommendation of Gore Committee a Post of Addl. Inspector General Training was created by the Government order no: 547/आ0-18-39/76 dated 6.5.1976.
This post was upgraded to that of Inspector General of Police Training by Government order no: 2818 पी./आ.-पी.एस.-527/1(47)/79 dated 30.5.1980.
Police Training Directorate Lucknow was create by Govt Order No-1574/आ.-पु.से.-2-83 dated 5.5.83 headed by DIG Training later upgraded to IG Training.
Presently by Govt order no 4051-8-पु.से.-2/87 dated 9.9.1987 Police Training is headed by Director General Training, Training Directorate at Lucknow managing the overall police training across its 11 institutes and permanent and temporary recruit training centers (RTCs).
Training Institutes of UP Police under the UP Police Training Directorate such as Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar Police Academy Moradabad (1893), PTS Moradabad (1977), PTC Moradabad (1978), APTC Sitapur (1983), PTS Gorakhpur (1986), PTC Unnao (1989), PTS Meerut (1995), PTC Sitapur (2001), APTS Mirzapur (2016), PTS Jalaun (2019), PTS Sultanpur (2019) are contributing to the capacity building of Police personnel, through its Basic courses & Inservice courses for Constables, HCs, Sub-Insp/Insp, DySPs.It also conducts a number of professional training programs for PCS officers, Prosecution officers, Fire Service officers, Homeguard officers, Jail officers.
Significance to training is among the top priority given by the State Government, as Director General rank official is heading Training Directorate and Institutions are headed by Senior police officers having wide experience in the area of Law Enforcement.
Training Directorate through its Training Institutes across the length and breadth of the state provides training in all matters of policing to nearly 3 lacs police personnel.
Uttar Pradesh Police Training Institutions-
S.No. | Name of Training Institution | Field of Training | Capacity |
1. |
Dr.B.R.Ambedkar, U.P. Police Academy, Moradabad - 244001 Tel: 0591-2435733 Fax: 0591-2435117
Training of IPS(Prob)Basic training of DSP(Prob)/Distt.Comdt./Home Guards. A.R.O./A.P.O./C.F.O./S.I.C.P. Refreshercourse and different types of special courses ofgazetted ranks.
170 G.Os 500 N.G.O. |
2. |
Police Training College, Moradabad Tel: 0591-2412817 |
Basic/Refresher course of S.I.C.P. and different types of special courses. |
850 |
3. |
Police Training College, Sitapur Tel: 05862-244263 |
Basic training /refresher course of S.I.C.P. and different types of special courses. |
800 |
4. |
Armed Training Centre, Sitapur Tel: 05862-244231 |
Basic training of P.Cs./C.Cs. Refresher, promotional courses & Special Training of Armed Police. Special Pre-Course . |
600 |
5. |
P.T.S. Moradabad Tel: 0591-2435627 |
Basic training of S.I./ConstableRefesher promotional courses &Special Training of HC/Const. |
700 |
6. |
P.T.S.Gorakhpur Tel: 0551-2281053 |
Basic training Course of S.I./Const./HC and Promotional Courses |
300 |
7. |
P.T.S.Unnao Tel: 05144-234022 |
Basic training of Constable recruits &S.I./ Refresher& Special Training promotional Course of Inspector & S.I. |
700 |
8. |
P.T.S. Meerut Tel: 0121-2708121 |
Basic training of Constable recruits and S.I. / Refresher & Special Training Courses
800 |
9. |
A.P.T. S., Chunar, Mirzapur , Tel: 05443-222424 |
Basic training of Platoon Commander, Constable recruits PAC, Refresher & Special Training.
300 |
10. |
P.T.S. Jalaun |
Basic Training ofConstable / Promotional Courses of HC, Refresher Course of Const./HC |
600 |
11. |
P.T.S. Sultanpur |
Basic Training ofConstable / Promotional Courses of HC, Refresher Course of Const./HC |
600 |
12. |
31 Recruits training Centres in different Distt. / PAC Bn. |
Basic training of Constable CP/AP Recruits |
6200 |
Special Courses
S. No. | Course Name | Eligible Personnel | Duration |
1. |
Human Rights |
Dy. SP / Inspr. / Sub-inspr. |
06 days |
2. |
Violence against Women |
Dy. SP / Inspr. / Sub-inspr. |
06 days |
3. |
Anti - drug trafficking and drug law enforcement |
Dy. SP / Inspr. / Sub-inspr. |
06 days |
4. |
Crowd control |
Dy. SP / Inspr. / Sub-inspr. |
06 days |
5. |
Police community relations |
Dy. SP / Inspr. / Sub-inspr. |
06 days |
6. |
Economic offences and investigations |
Dy. SP / Inspr. / Sub-inspr. |
06 days |
7. |
- Juvenile delinquency
- Harassment of women
- Safety of weaker sections
Dy. SP / Inspr. / Sub-inspr. |
06 days |
8. |
Traffic Management |
NGOs |
2 - 3 months |
9. |
Law and departmental proceedings |
Dy. SP |
06 days |
10. |
Police stations Management Course |
SOs or SIs |
12 days |
11. |
Behavioural orientation Course |
All ranks |
06 days |
12. |
Weapons Training Course |
All ranks |
2 - 8 weeks |
13. |
Bugler Course |
Constables |
06 weeks |
14. |
Armourer Course |
Constables |
09 weeks |
15. |
Shadow Course |
Sub-insprs. / Head Const. / Const. |
03 weeks |
16. |
Ministerial Cadre Course |
Correspondence / Accounts branch |
01 weeks |
17. |
Pedagogy Course |
H.C.C.P. |
07 months |
18. |
Vertical interaction Course |
Sub-inspr. to Dy. SP |
06 days |
19. |
Course of Fire Service personnel |
Fire Service personnel |
06 weeks |
20. |
Gunner Duty Course |
Constables |
45 days |
21. |
Pre-course for police Commando |
Constables to Inspectors |
02 weeks |
22. |
V.I.P. Security Course |
Constables to Inspectors |
04 weeks |
23. |
Bomb disposal Course |
Constables to Inspectors |
02 weeks |